This is From Hell - Poetry

My whole heart I poured out to you
And for you everything I was ready to do
Freely gave out my body, soul and spirit
That you will have everywhere in my veins to sit

You were the light I would never let go dim
And the night I would never let become deep
You filled my dreams and occupied my thought
You held my heart and like a bird in a trap I was caught

I gave you all - all the fertile land of my soul
But in it this is all you could sow?
In return of my love you gave me hatred
You abuse my heart and handle it like a rejected thread

I thought you would always be there for me
And safe in your arms my life and future would forever be 
But I was childish
No – I was just being foolish

I knew there was a prize for love
And I thought it would have come from the heaven in you
But this is from hell
And my soul keeps hearing your hurting bell.


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