"Stop treating him like a husband", Apostle Okai advises.

My sister, what's your problem? Why are you torturing yourself mentally and frustrating your heart emotionally like that? Is he your husband? Has he married you? Has he paid any bride price to your father? So what's the meaning of handling this relationship as marriage?

Our world is really turned upside down and we've exchanged value for nothing. Relationship is not marriage. He has no right to give you 'chop money', pay your bills, clothe you and even feed your phone with data. Again, of what use should he call you everyday and when he fails you go about bothering your head as if you cannot breathe a day without him? 

Of course you are not also mandated to sleep in his house, cook for him, wash his clothes and treat him as though he has bought you into marriage. Please save yourself from this unnecessary troubles. You guys can and must genuinely help each other where and when necessary but never mistake the relationship for marriage.

Lest I forget, stop saying he is cheating on you. How can somebody who is not your husband cheat on you? Huh? What are you constantly checking his phone for? And why are you harassing other ladies who talk to him? Where from this jealousy over a man who might not even marry you after all?

My sister, sit down and take stock of your life okay? Life is too short to waste it.

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