Get it once; things Don't Just Happen. Life is spiritual. - Apostle Abeiku Okai

Abeiku Okai

Our world is becoming more and more intellectually driven such that the spirituality of life in every dimension of human society is being trivialised by even well meaning believers.

We need to be very careful. Things don't just happen and life isn't just about what meets the eye. The physical world is not ruled by men but by spirits - either spirits of light or spirits of darkness. Man is only an instrument of the spirit at work in him. What does the Bible say?

"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly  abundantly above all that we ask or think,  according to the power that works in us." (Eph. 3:20).

God's supply in your life is according to the power that works in you. This means a believer's life is not a natural life but that which is backed by the supernatural force of the Holy Spirit. So is the story of those whose supply is of the devil. Those who are neither here nor there are just miserable and pitiable. There is no room for neutrality in this battle of life. You are either cold or hot, Jesus warned.

Until you know this very truth and take your place in the realm of the spirit you are never in control of your life, ministry, marriage, business, etc.

Look, this reality might be the very reason you have done all that you can do but you are not seeing the desired result. There is a force at work in the realm of the spirit and you are to be spiritually minded to take your place. There is no room or tolerance for carnality in Christianity. 

Life is not all about being educated, intelligent, talented, beautiful, married, financially able or even highly connected. It is never about holding social, public, or corporate positions. It is about forces at work behind the scene to either empower you or disarm you from your destiny. While you strive for material position, possessions and social, economic, political or academic prestige never think that is all there is to life. Don't wait until you get to far before you awake to the reality of life. You would have wasted your years due to share spiritual carelessness. 

Remember Jabez. He was already a honourable man but being honourable didn't deliver him from the negative power from the mouth of his own mother when he was born. Those words were the spirits at work against his destiny. When he came to Himself he became spiritual and approached God in prayer. The Bible says,

"Put on the whole  armor of God, that you may be able to stand  against the wiles of the devil." (Eph. 6:11).

Standing is never by default. You have to put on all of God's armour to be able to stand. The armour is not physical but spiritual and the reason you need God's spiritual armour to stand is because life is never physical. The devil has schemes by which we causes spiritual slumber for a man to fall and fail. So the Apostle continued to say, 

"For we do not  wrestle against flesh and blood, but against  principalities, against powers, against the rulers  of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly  places." (Eph. 6:12).

A wrestler's ultimate goal is not to merely beat his opponent but to weaken him and swiftly bring him to the ground in defeat. The attack on your life is for a purpose. And that purpose is to weaken you and bring you down into total defeat. Sadly the forces at work against you are not physical beings but spiritual beings. They are:

1. Principalities
2. Powers
3. Rulers of the darkness of this age
4. Spiritual Host of wickedness 

As dangerous as they might seem they are powerless before every born again child in Christ. But when the born again child becomes careless about spiritual things, living his life like mere men, these evil forces gain advantage to attack. The scripture sadly says,

"I said, “You  are gods,  And all of you  are children of the Most High.  But you shall die like men,  and fall like one of the princes.”  (Psalm 82:7)

 That is why Jesus said "Watch and Pray." Don't be like the disciples who allowed the flesh to overcome them and woo them into slumber when Jesus was facing the fiercest spiritual battle in Gethsemane. The Bible admonishes you from Eph. 5:14-18;

"Therefore He says:  “Awake, you who sleep,  Arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” See then that you walk circumspectly, not as  fools but as wise, redeeming the time,  because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand  what the will of the Lord is. And do not be  drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit."

The final instruction is this: Be filled with the Spirit and commit to the Lord in prayer whatever your hand finds to do or your heart seeks to pursue.


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