Four Reasons You Should be Rich Without Apology - Apostle Abeiku Okai

When riches are mentioned in the circle of the church the world grows wild and religious people take offense as though being rich is synonymous to hypocrisy, carnality or a ticket to hell. I promise you, the piety we have attached to poverty and the demonisation of riches is what has kept many believers in bondage to poverty and the life of misery. 

Give me a minute of your time to tell you why you have to be rich without regret or being ashamed. First of all you must understand that your being rich has nothing to do with you as a person in regard to your personal pride, ostentatiousness, or how much you have suffered in life and have to also enjoy. No! That thinking is the place of carnality, greed and selfishness.

Therefore these are the reasons you should be rich:

1. Improve Upon Your Generation.

My spiritual father and teacher who taught me economics in the secondary school, Mr Amos Asante, always tells me, "We live to improve upon generation." You didn't come into this world to continue the status quo and leave as you met it. There is so much in you to contribute to this generation to make it easier and better for the next generation to survive without struggle. Your failure in life is the failure of countless generations after you. Riches can help you succeed. For riches was ordained by God to assist men.

In the realm of generational impact money or riches play a major role. Of course you can make impact without necessarily being rich but what is wrong if you go the next length to use the instrument of money or riches to make that impact? 

2. Change the Destiny of Your Family.

In the atmosphere of destiny money or riches is indispensable. It is never for nothing that the rich men and women in every family are honoured, especially when they use their wealth to support the family. The reason is that God positions rich people in families in order for others to have hope to survive and go further in life. 

It is unfortunate many rich people don't help their family members, sometimes even their own children and partners. That notwithstanding you can make a great difference for your family and children if you are financially capable.

3. To Help the Poor

Do you know you are mandated to help the poor, cloth the naked, visit the prisoner, support the weak, heal the sick, give hope to the hopeless, etc.? And are you aware with riches you can do that much better?

Don't be deceived to think  money is not necessary  in the fulfilment of this life mission of every believer in Christ. Without being financially capable you might live at the mercy of those who have the financial capability and if you are not careful they might redirect your vision or mission with their financial influence. The Bible says,

“The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.” (Prov. 22:7)

I see many poor people who are struggling to make ends meet. Some of them are really in hell and we need money to rescue them. Why not commit yourself to becoming their saviour on God's behalf?

“And you shall remember the LORD your God,  for it is He who gives you power to get wealth,  that He may establish His covenant which He  swore to your fathers, as it is this day." (Deut. 8:18)

4. To Expand the Kingdom of God.

If you are passionate about Kingdom business then you must know that no kingdom can advance without wealth. It is the men of wealth who oil the wheels of kingdom agenda. That is why there is no Kingdom without riches. Check the records; behind every successful and great preachers of the gospel there are financiers, not just prayers warriors. 

In fact, what we call glory is basically wealth. When God said, the silver is mine and the gold is mine He was talking about the glory of the latter house. Why did he bring in the subject of silver and gold in the conversation of glory? Check The scripture yourself and make your own judgement:

"And I will shake all  nations, and they shall come to the Desire of All  Nations, and I will fill this temple with glory,’  says the LORD of hosts. ‘The silver  is Mine,  and the gold is Mine,’ says the LORD of hosts. ‘The glory of this latter temple shall be greater  than the former,’ says the LORD of hosts. ‘And in  this place I will give peace,’ says the LORD of hosts.”  (Haggai 2:7-9).


I prophesy over your life, in the name of Jesus Christ, that from today, you will begin to walk in your dimension of Kingdom wealth. Doors will open for you and you will become instrument of change in your family, your community, country and the Kingdom of God with financial liberty. In Jesus Name.

Apostle Abeiku Okai
Anathallo Chapel Int.


  1. I'm blessed man of God , thank you for the impact you are making for we the youth of senya breaku.

  2. Thank you Apostle for the great word of impaction,you are bless..


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