Don't Ritualise the Anointing Oil

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-          Evangelist Abeiku Okai (B.I.C.)
In many modern charismatic and Pentecostal churches, the use of the anointing oil has gained so much prominence that there can hardly be a deliverance, anointing or healing service without it. In fact to some believers, the olive oil has been their saving power while the majority thinks having it on your body, room or property put you under special divine favour and protection. However, I have found myself struggling with the essence of this practice which the majority of us have embraced without really questioning its grounds with the scriptures.
Let's read the most popular verse used to justify the use of the oil today. James 5:14
"Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord."
If you take this verse in isolation you may get it wrong. We have to find out why the Apostle James is recommending the use of oil in healing the sick. This is because there is nowhere in the Bible that the disciples used anointing oil after the Holy Ghost was given. Paul and Peter did a lot of miracles and healing but never was reference made to them using anointing oil. Probably they used it but it was not recorded. If that is true then why was it not recorded if really it had the prominence it now has among today's believers? The Apostles laid hands, used handkerchiefs, shadows - all recorded. Why don't we have record on the use of the oil after Pentecost if it was a requirement for receiving the anointing as it seems today?
The book of James is the first epistle to be written to believers. It was written to the twelve tribes of Israel which were scattered abroad (James 1:1). This means it adheres to Jewish customs and practices. No wonder it emphasises more on the law and works. And it is in this epistle that believers were referred to as "sinners" (James 4:8). In Jewish custom, oil is used to anoint the sick. And this is due to the medical element of the oil. Indeed, the olive oil is medicinal just as a moringa oil (if there is any) would be. When used as food, it provides unimaginable health benefits. It heals cancer, diabetes, stroke etc. - and it boosts the immune system.
All these point us to the fact that the anointing oil rather has a natural potency to heal. And the Jews used it habitually for its health benefits. So the Apostle James is calling for the use of medication in addition to prayer for the sick. And he adds that it must be done in the name of the Lord. Remember that when the good Samaritan met the wounded man, he also used oil - normal practice. When Jesus sent out the disciples, Bible says they anointed the sick. Mark 6:13 - "And they cast out many devils, and anointed with oil many that were sick, and healed them. He didn’t ask them to use oil but they applied it because it was a normal practice – not wrong at all for them to use it.
However, there is nowhere Jesus used anointing oil to heal. Matthew 8:16, ". . . and he cast out the spirits with HIS WORD, and healed all that were sick."
In the book of Acts the Holy Spirit filled the believers on many occasions and healings took place but nowhere was anointing oil used. So why the use of it in today's Christianity to impart the Spirit and drive out demons? Let's read Exodus 30:31-32
And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel, saying, This shall be an holy anointing oil unto me throughout your generations. Upon man's flesh shall it not be poured, neither shall ye make any other like it, after the composition of it: it is holy, and it shall be holy unto you.
In the Old Testament, the anointing oil was used but it was never used anyhow, anywhere and anyway. In the above verse bible says it must not touch the body of any human being. In other instances, however, we see that the anointing oil was used to ordained kings or leaders. But in today's circle, we seem to be using it anyhow, anywhere and anyway as though the Holy Spirit always needs it before operation.
Isaiah 10:27 says the yoke shall be broken because of the anointing.
So let's ask ourselves what at all is the anointing and how do we get the anointing? And also how do we get our healing and breakthrough? Do we compulsorily need the anointing oil? And must the man of God necessarily use the oil to invoke the power of the Spirit? In Luke 4:18 Jesus read the book of Isaiah that says, "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He has anointed me to preach the gospel..." Acts 10:38 also says, "How God anointed Jesus...with the Holy Ghost and with power." It is thus clear that Jesus Christ was never anointed with oil.
Let's see how the Apostles were also anointed. We read in Acts 2 that the Apostles gained the anointing to preach when the Holy Spirit came upon them. And due to that anointing they performed many wonders - in today's vocabulary we would say, they broke many yokes. In Acts 8 and 19 some believers also received the anointing and this was done through the laying on of hands, not the pouring on of oil. Where from this excessive use of oil in our services today?
1st John 2:27 says, But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and its true, and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you will abide in Him.
The anointing abides in you and he shall teach you all things. This affirms the fact that the anointing is the Holy Spirit. So Isaiah 10:27 which says, the yoke shall be broken because of the anointing simply means that when the believer receives the Holy Spirit, he or she gets the anointing and that is what breaks the yoke. The anointing is never in the bottle or olive oil. It is inside the believer. Once you are a spirit filled believer you have the anointing. You don't need special oil or material medium to receive the anointing.
Bible says by the laying on of the Apostles hands the anointing (Holy Spirit) was given. Why? The hand of every believer is already anointed. That is why when a spirit filled believer lays his or her hands on the sick the sickness must go. Jesus said
Nonetheless, we read in scriptures that the anointing (power of the Spirit) was transferred into material mediums to heal on certain occasions. That never means the Spirit was captured inside something for it to be carried around always. Paul for instance used handkerchief. But never did he use it again. Jesus used saliva once and that was all. Why? This is because there is a high human tendency to end up worshipping whatever faith enters into. And I can tell you of a fact that just as the Israelites worshipped the brazen serpent so do many ignorant believers do worship the anointing oil today. You visit churches and you hear people giving testimonies of how the oil the prophet or pastor prepared saved them. Some even pay money to buy the anointing. When in Acts 8:14-24, Simon offered money to receive the anointing (the Holy Ghost power), Peter rebuked him and said, "your money perish with you because you thought the gift of God could be purchased with money".
In Matthew 11:28-30 Jesus said it is by coming to Him that the yoke shall be broken. Thus if you come to Christ and receive the Holy Ghost, who is the anointing, your every yoke shall be broken. The reason why many believers' yoke are not broken is that they are not filled with the Holy Ghost. They only go to church. They only pray. And they always chase the anointing oil instead of the anointing. And the funny thing is that they only need the anointing in order to achieve their material dreams - marriage, jobs, travelling, etc. Hardly will you find believers today who are seeking the anointing to preach or do the work of God. Many pastors and prophets need the anointing in order to do miracles, not to win souls. No wonder people come to Christ and they are still carrying their yoke. No wonder we are chasing the anointing in a bottle rather that the real anointing that is in us.
Beloved In Christ, I believe what you have read is enough for you to study the scriptures for yourself about the use of the anointing oil. Let me however emphasise that the Holy Spirit can direct a Christian to use anything for healing or deliverance but none of it must become a ritual. And all must be done strictly by the direction of the Lord. In a nutshell your hand as a believer is more anointed that any material. The anointing oil is like any other material the Lord can use. So never put faith in any special oil.


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