Destiny is not fate; neither does it come by default. You need to negotiate your way out. - Apostle Abeiku Okai

There are two common errors most people make, whether they are Christians or not. Some think destiny is fate and that no matter what we do or do not do there is no way we can avoid that fate, whether ill fate or good fate. There are also those who think that our destiny cannot be aborted but it will come by default. To certain extent we can agree but the truth is that destiny is neither fate, nor does it come by default. You need to negotiate your way out.

If you don't learn to negotiate your way through life you can miss your destiny. If you fold your arms and expect manner from heaven you will be disappointed in life and submit to ill fate when you could have rode on the wings of the kinetic faith of God to unveil the power of your potential upon the earth realm.

When Joseph interpreted the dream of the prisoner he charged the prisoner;

 "But remember me when it is well with you, and please show kindness to me; make mention  of me to Pharaoh, and get me out of this house." (Genesis 40:14). 

Joseph negotiated his way out of prison by reason of the gift and wisdom of God. First he interpreted the dream and then he asked for four favours:

1. Remember me;
2. Show kindness to me;
3. Make mention of me to  Pharaoh;
4. Get me out of this place.

You see, the people who come your way can become the pathway to your freedom into your destiny. But your problem is that you are too gentle, too good and too shy. You need to be active and ask for what you desire or deserve. Jesus asked the blind man, "What do you want me to do for you?" Was Jesus stupid to ask the blind man such a question when He knew of course the man needed his sight? That should tell you that a closed mouth is a closed destiny.

Before David offered himself to fight Goliath he asked, “What shall be done for the man who  kills this Philistine and takes away the reproach  from Israel?" (1st Samuel 17:26). And when his elder brother Eliab rebuked him he responded, “What have I done now?  Is  there not a cause?” (vrs 29).

We learn here that before you take any step know the benefit. It should not necessarily be money in return but at least a result that would bring an impact according to the purpose and vision God has anointed you for. Again we learn that when anybody confronts, accuses, rebukes or even try to stand your way let him know you are not stupid or stubborn but that there is a reason for your audacious actions. Thus let nothing or no one talk you or walk you out of your destiny. Be in control and never back down.

Remember the woman with the issue of blood. She negotiated her way to healing by speaking and acting, "For she said  to herself, “If only I may touch His garment, I  shall be made well.” (Matt. 9:21).

You too, start negotiating your way to your destiny. God has already gone ahead of you to make the crooked path straight. What is left is for you to stand up, show up and stand out. Come to terms with faith through fervent prayer and productive action. 

Thank you.


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