What does "Work out Your Own Salvation" actually mean if salvation is purely by grace?

When we emphasise that we are saved by grace through faith and that it is only by faith and not of works some people get offended, claiming we are promoting sin or preaching false doctrine. Some people, ignoring the clear teachings of scripture still claim believers still have a price to pay in order to be saved and that in effect it is not only what Christ has done or faith alone.  

Usually, apart from quoting and misinterpreting the popular verse on faith without works is dead in the defense of such erroneous position on the doctrine of salvation they are also quick to quote Philippians 2:12-13 where Paul wrote, 

"Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my  presence only, but now much more in my absence, WORK OUT YOUR OWN  SALVATION WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING."

Many are deceived to think this verse means that even though Christ has saved us we still have a price to pay to "save ourselves". That is to say without doing good deeds we will lose our salvation. 

Before I proceed let me state that I am for good works. Every believer ought to show the fruit of his faith in ways that prove to the outside world that we are indeed led by the Holy Spirit. You must not live anyhow just because you are saved. It is your duty to show forth the fruit of your salvation.

Nonetheless, I am NOT in favour of the gospel that says we can lose heaven because we are not good enough morally. Factually, no one will enter heaven because he stopped sinning. After all who can claim that he is totally free from the presence of committing acts that are sinful? Let him throw the first stone.  Who has totally stopped doing wrong since he came to Christ? Some hide behind confession of sin and say "If I confess I will be forgiven". They forget that confession itself is a proof that no one is going to heaven because he stopped sinning. Why rely on confession if you can stop sinning?  Or you think your sin is different or so small that it will not matter as much as that of others? 

Anyway, what does Paul mean by WORK OUT YOUR OWN SALVATION?

We need to understand that "Work out" is a phrase that means "Bring to the outside what is in the inside of you". Salvation is already deposited in your spirit. You didn't earn it and you can never earn it. You cannot expected or command any animal to bark unless it is a dog. Similarly you cannot expect a banana tree to bear plantain unless it is a plantain tree. What is already in a person is what the person is expected to work out. 

Note also that Paul said, "Work Out". He didn't say "Work for". If you work for something it means you work to achieve it. But if you work out something it means the thing is already available in the inside and you cultivate or bring it to the outside. So we don't work for salvation. We work out salvation by letting others see the light and glorify the father and also come to that light in us. 

The next point is that Paul uses another technical words, "Work out your own salvation WITH FEAR AND TREMBLING". This is where many have used to claim that if you don't work for your salvation you will not enter heaven. And as a result many are afraid of losing heaven and they are forced into religious bondage and fear towards obedience. But Paul never meant that. The same phrase is used in 1st Cor. 2:3

"I was with you in weakness, in FEAR, and in much  TREMBLING."  

Don't forget that fear is ungodly and God has not given us the spirit of fear. In fact,  perfect love casts out fear. So why was Paul fearful and trembled at Corinth? The 4th and 5th verses give us the reason Paul did that:

"And my speech and my preaching  were not with  persuasive words of human  wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit  and of power, THAT YOUR FAITH SHOULD NOT BE IN THE WISDOM OF MEN BUT IN  THE POWER OF GOD."

Paul in effect is saying that while preaching at Corinth he was fearful and careful not to preach in such a way that will give credit to his human wisdom and human effort. This would mean he is putting confidence in himself and trying to persuade them with human wisdom as I see many preachers doing today as if God saved them because of their so-called fasting, prayers, tithing, bible reading, special seeds, holiness, etc. Paul said he demonstrated throughout his preachings that it was the Holy Spirit and the power of God that was at work in him, not himself. Paul didn't want the Corinthians church to put their faith in the wisdom of men, that is in their own effort thinking they can do anything. It is all done by the power of God.

Therefore, when Paul told the Philippians to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling he gave the reason by saying, "For it is God who WORKS IN you." That is to say even the ability to have the will to serve God is not from yourself. It is never by your own effort. Again all the good pleasures of God which we see manifesting in you are not from yourself. Therefore you have to fear and tremble by making sure you never claim credit or talk as if you achieved it by self-effort, wisdom, or self-discipline. It is all by grace. 2nd Cor. 3:5-6 says

"Not that we  are sufficient of ourselves to think of anything as being from ourselves,  but our sufficiency is from God,  who also made us sufficient as  ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; a for the  letter kills, but the Spirit gives life."

The letter is man's effort or man's work. But the Spirit is God's work. So please, never think you can save yourself. Depend absolutely on God. And don't fear losing your salvation because Christ is well able to save to the uttermost those who come to Him. 

" Therefore He is also able to save to the  uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to  make intercession for them." (Hebrews 7:25)

Apostle Abeiku Okai

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