Leadership is an operation in the realm of positive influence. Thus without the ability to influence people into a good cause there is no way you can call yourself a leader. Again, leadership is about having organised followers. Thus without a well defined followers  you are only taking a walk but never leading. 

Leadership is built on two major principles. And they are Capacity and Character. This means to be a good leader you need to have capacity or ability to stand up to the task ahead of you and your people. Character is also the value upon which  the leader lives his life and lead his people.

The problem with Ghanaian leadership is not necessarily about capacity but character. Many leaders in our dear nation, from the small church with ten members to our political thrones, boast of knowing so much and can do better, yet they are character bankrupt.

And the biggest character bankruptcy in Ghanaian leadership is selfishness.  Too many of our leaders think only about themselves and their immediate families. While they boast of leading well they are rather amassing wealth for themselves and claiming names to fan their parochial interest.

The irony is that these same leaders talk as if they are the best concerned citizens. They tell us their interest is Ghana yet in actual fact their self-centered vision is what motivates them to pick up local and national positions.

However, there are excellent leaders in this nation and they are doing their very best. Unfortunately, most of these leaders are either out of public view or their works are just not being recognised. While the majority of selfish leaders over-shadow the selfless ones, the majority of followers have also become vain talkers and mere commentators who defend corrupt leaders for cheap popularity.

If we can truly help our nation then let's learn to build a strong character on the pillar of selflessness. It should never matter who takes the credit as long as Ghana gets the benefit. Even if no one recognises you for your little contribution to national development still keep doing it because you will never know eyes are watching until your genuine heart is fully tested and proven.

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Apostle Abeiku Okai (BIC) 

WhatsApp: +233 0249287855

Anathallo Chapel International


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