Who Qualifies to Partake in the Holy Communion?


Abeiku Okai Ministries (AoM)
WhatsApp:+233 0249297855

The preaching that comes  out during communion services always leave people more condemned than redeemed. As a result so many believers are deprived of the amazing benefits of fellowshipping with the Lord through His Body and Blood.

Surely, the bread and wine are representation of the real Body that was broken for our spiritual provision and the real Blood that was shed for our salvation. If the "sinner" therefore is not permitted to partake in the Holy Communion then how on earth are we expecting that so-called "sinner" to even be a part of our worship?

Yes, the communion is sacred and we ought never to treat it disdainfully, but is it the only sacred representation of our Lord Jesus? What about the very word that comes from the pulpit through the Holy Spirit? What about the Holy Spirit Himself who is both in us and in our worship. Shouldn't all be also given very much reverence as Holy and sacred? And if the sinner has access to the Word, the Holy Spirit and can take part in our pure worship why can't he be worthy to partake in the Holy Communion?

You might say, "But B.I.C., no one prevents a person from taking communion. It is the person himself who refuses to take it; it is not the pastor who prevents him or her."

That is a fine point but the question is, "what really prevented the person from taking the communion?" Is it the sin of the person or the preaching that came from the pulpit? If a pastor asks the members to search their hearts whether there is sin in them, what do you think every true person will find when he searches himself? Won't he find wretchedness through sin? Yeah. Within ourselves there is nothing good. Don't deceive yourself; fornication or abortion is not the only sin. The fact that you are not fornicating does not mean you have no struggle or challenge with other human weaknesses, which before the law are equally sin.

Let every pastor examine himself truthfully and tell us what his righteousness is based on. If he examines himself by his good deeds then he will find out how that his so-called self-righteousness is flooded with hypocrisy. But if he examines himself in the righteousness of Christ and the faith he has in the blood that speaks better things than the blood of Abel, he will surely find a beautiful new creation. That is what we all ought to examine ourselves by - Jesus Christ. What does Hebrew says, "Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith..." (Hebrews 12:3).

This is the cardinal of our faith - looking unto Jesus, never unto ourselves. In the wilderness the children of Israel suffered from snakes bite. To save them God had to let Moses erect a brazen serpent and the only requirement for salvation from the snake bite was "Look up to the brazen serpent". Note that snake represents satan, whose sting is like a snake bite called, sin (Gen. 3). So in John 3:13-15 Jesus said in the same way the sinner can only be saved by looking to Him - His finished work on the cross. Therefore it is important for believers to be encouraged to rather look unto Jesus's work on the cross in taking the Holy Communion than to look just into themselves.

Let me ask this, when Jesus came to the world, which people did He dine and wine with? Was it not sinners? So if the real person dined and wined with sinners, what prevents a believer from taking His representation (bread and wine)? Do you even know that the first people who took communion were not born again? Yes, the disciples were not yet recreated by Holy Spirit when they took the Lord's supper, how much more the born again Christian?

Anyway, just follow my next post on www.facebook.com/Inspirational.mrsokai as I unravel the word of His grace through the Holy Communion.

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Anathallo Chapel International


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