Are You a Civilian Christian or a Military Christian?

     BIC Abeiku Okai
Abeiku Okai Ministries
WhatsApp: +233 0249287856

There are so many misconceptions about the Christian life to the extent that many Christians have found it difficult to agree that Christ delivers what He promises. One of those misconceptions has to do with what I call "Military Christianity".

Military Christianity is the concept that Christ has called us to fight and defeat the devil, witches and human enemies. This kind of Christianity turns believers into warlords and the church into a militant group with the belief that we are in constant "battle". No wonder some have gone as far as titling all night services as "War Night". And as a result instead of enjoying fellowship with Jesus Christ and relaxing in His finished work on the cross we go about chasing devils. Interestingly, there are scriptures quoted to support this concept. One of such scriptures is,

"For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds." (2 Corinthians 10:3-4)

Many have used this scripture to justify military Christianity. But we forget to analyse first of all what Paul was talking about contextually. In the whole of 2nd Cor. 10 Paul was defending his ministry from people who were trying to sway the Corinthian believers from his gospel with vain philosophies and empty words. They were actually causing the believers to give no credence to Paul and by doing so they were playing intelligence on the believers' minds.

So Paul was telling these believers that he had no boasting in the flesh and his concern is not about how weak they thought him to be according to their worldly standard. And so the weapon he relied on has nothing to do with human standard but that through his gospel, which is the weapon, human thoughts and philosophies are destroyed. The battle Paul was therefore saying he was concerned with is the battle of the mind. That is why he told the Romans,

"And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." (Romans 12:3).

It is important to note that all that Satan wants from you is your faith and he can only grab it when he takes hold of your mind - your beliefs, thoughts, imaginations and conscience. The material things he touches are not his focus. He wants your faith because in the New Covenant "The just shall live by faith". Satan does not care how much good works you do or how much possession and outward glory you have. All he wants is WHAT YOU BELIEVE AND ACCEPTS ABOUT JESUS CHRIST, HIS FINISHED WORK ON THE CROSS AND HIS RESURRECTION.

As long as you are conscious of the fact that Jesus is your Lord; He is always with you and never leaves you despite your short-comings; He has washed you, sanctified you and justified you; Satan will lose the battle. Indeed, as long as you hold on to the fact that you can only rely on Jesus totally for your salvation and prosperity and therefore you are not "wrestling" in life but resting in Jesus, Satan has no victory over you.

In fact, read Ephesians 6:10-17 very well and you will see that all Satan is looking for is to shake our feet out of standing totally in Christ in faith. He comes against us in teachings contrary to the Gospel of Christ. That is why Paul said our defensive weapon is "The Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God". Only the Word is sharper than two edged sword and cuts through the soul and spirit. And also our faith quenches Satan's flaming arrows because your righteousness and victory is based on your faith in Christ no matter the circumstances.

Satan's flaming arrows are preaching, teachings and prophesies from the mouth of his preachers, pastors and prophets. And his greatest weapons are ignorance and unbelief. As long as he can get you to believe in your self-efforts, others or anything apart from Jesus Christ then he can get you under his spell (Jer. 17:5-8).

Now, with this in view you can agree that the use of "war", "battle", "wrestle" and "weapons" in scripture has nothing to do with turning believers into bunch of military men and women. When we come to Christ we rest, we don't wrestle, war and fight (Mat. 11:28, Heb. 4:3, James 4). According to Col. 2:15 and 1st John 4:4 (and several other verses), the battle has ended and we are more than conquerors.

A brother in the Lord told me, "If you give Satan attention he will give you direction." Let us therefore watch against wrong doctrines and false prophets and preachers, for they are the greatest tool of Satan and the enemies of the cross.

Anathallo Chapel International


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