Let no one Deceive You; We are Free from the Law.

     BIC Abeiku Okai
Abeiku Okai Ministries (AoM)
WhatsApp: +233 0249297855

Since the Lord began to open my understanding into the Gospel of Grace I have been filled with so much tears and pains in the heart. Yes, I do indeed shed tears and my question to God has always been, "Why has this Gospel been hidden from us, Lord, why? Why don't they tell us the whole truth?"

You see, the problem is that religion has unfortunately covered Christianity and human thinking has become the basis for interpreting scriptures. But the Bible is a plain book, only men darken it. The Gospel brings light to the blind and understanding to the simple. It is only men who have complicated the whole truth and have caused us not to see, enjoy and relate with God as fully as we ought to.

When the word "Grace" is mentioned conservative Christians get offended and they begin to brand you as a promoter of sin. I used to be like that. Many erroneously think people are standing on the doctrine of Grace as an excuse to sin. I used to think in that line also. As a result becoming a preacher of the Gospel of Grace is like throwing yourself into the den of lions, where well meaning Christians will "devour" you with ignorant accusations.

However, I have also come to the truth that people are not sinning because of the Grace of God, they are rather sinning because they don't know the grace. They are not fellowshipping with God because they only know the law of God, but not the love of God. Just do this calculation: compare the number of sermons that are preached requiring believers to follow bunch of rules; and sermons that are preached to point believers not to rely on their self-effort to obtain righteousness but on the Grace of God. Which one is more? I tell you, the Gospel of the law (which is even no gospel at all) is more preached than the Gospel of Grace. But has it helped us in anyway? A big, "NO". Paul said in Romans 5:20,

"The law was added so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more."

So you see, where the law is preached, sin increases. People will clean their outside when the law is preached but their inside will be rotten because the law cannot clean the inside of men. When Israel was in Egypt God never spoke of their lawlessness. He delivered them from Egypt not because they had done any righteous thing. It was by His special grace. When they came out of Egypt also God never killed any of them despite their sins. They became lawless and only began to die when the Ten Commandments was given. This was because the law demands full justice, which is death, and its principle is this, "Obey all fully" (Deut. 28). Thus you can never obey 99% of the law and be found righteous. You need a 100% obedience. If you miss even 1% it means you have broken all and you deserve to die because the wages of sin is DEATH. In fact it was because of this clause that "Grace" came. John 1:17 says,

"For the law was given by Moses, but Grace and Truth CAME by Jesus Christ."

Note that the law was GIVEN but Grace CAME. Yes, Grace came because the law was slaughtering us too much (Romans 6:23). Grace came by Himself to save us from the law. And Grace is Jesus Christ. So Paul says,

"Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes." (Romans 10:4).

Did you read that? Christ is the END OF THE LAW. Unfortunately, some people pick Matthew 5:17 as an excuse to debunk the fact that Jesus ended the law. But Matthew 5:17 cannot be well explained without verse 18, which says,

"For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, TILL. ALL BE FULFILLED."

Now let me ask, did Jesus fulfil all the law? Yes, absolutely! On the cross he shouted, "It is finished". Jesus did not come to abolish the law but to fulfil it because the law was to remain until it was fulfilled. Now that it is fulfilled what is it doing again? It is no more. If anyone brings back the law or preaches the law to you, that person is only insulting our Lord Jesus and disregarding the sacrifices and pain He took to set it aside and set us free.

Those still carrying the law should be ready because God will judge them by it. As for me, I am sorry; what Jesus did for me is enough. I refuse to bring myself under the curse of the law when I know very well that I cannot fully obey all its requirements. What I can do is to just trust in Christ and be led by the Holy Spirit into submission through the abundant Grace.

Anathallo Chapel International


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