Go Beyond and Find Jesus

      B.I.C. Abeiku Okai
Abeiku Okai Ministries (AoM)
WhatsApp: +233 0249287855

The Bible is so simple that it only takes theologians to complicate it. In fact, while theology purports to be a study of God, its right scope is rather studying God through man, not through the Spirit. And that is what has caused so many complications and confusions in the Body of Christ.

In the first place there is very less leading of the Holy Spirit in the church today. Hardly will believers acknowledge that our teacher is not the pastor before us but the Holy Spirit. We therefore swallow everything our pastors and prophets say without having time to check from the scriptures first. Apostle Paul commended the Bereans and called them  "more nobles" than the Thessalonians because they always verified from the scriptures what Paul said.

"These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so." (Acts 17:11).

How many Christians today receive the word of God today with all readiness of mind? They are even in a hurry to go home or hear prophesies. What are they to do with the word? And after hearing the word on Sundays or Saturdays that is all; they put their bibles somewhere and tell the Bible, "until we meet again".

Another complication is that in our days, people think the qualification for being a man of God or interpreting scriptures is by going to Bible schools. And so everybody completes Bible school and calls himself a pastor. Many lack the calling and anointing but due to their theological knowledge they go about destroying their senior pastors' churches and misleading the sheep.

It is even becoming almost interesting that without Bible School certificate you might not be recognised as a pastor. But the subject of our Faith goes beyond academism. It is never bad to go to the Bible school and build upon your scriptural knowledge. However, biblical truth and revelations go beyond the classroom and even the four corners of the church. If anyone wants to really catch up with God scripturally and spiritually he will surely need the Holy Spirit within himself. 1st John 2:27 says,

"But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him."

It is unfortunate that we have reduced the anointing of God to breaking yokes and fighting demons. Yes, the anointing sends shivers into the Kingdom of Darkness but Jesus did not give us His Spirit just because of Satan and demons. God's primary purpose of giving us His anointing is so that we can be led into the scriptures and discover the Lord Jesus and the love of God in every pages of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.

The mystery is that the Old Testament is Jesus Christ CONCEALED while the New Testament is Jesus Christ REVEALED. Note that the Apostles never preached from the New Testament. In their time there was no New Testament as we have it now. It was therefore the Old Testament that was used to reveal Jesus to the Believers. And as they did so they wrote letters and also penned down the life of Jesus Christ and the early church, including the record of John's apocalyptic vision. All these were later bound together for you and me to have the testament of the New Covenant, which is concealed in the Old Testament.

In view of the types, shadows and pictures of Jesus Christ in the Old Testament, one of the main duties of the Holy Spirit in us is to help us unveil the types, shadows and pictures of Jesus in the Old. He helps us  discover the things concerning the Son of God hidden in the Old Testament. It is worthy to note that the first teaching service of Jesus after the resurrection was revealing of Himself from Genesis to Malachi to two of His disciples. Luke 24:27 records,

"And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them IN ALL THE SCRIPTURES the things CONCERNING HIMSELF."

If Jesus occupied His message with things concerning Himself in all the scriptures then the Holy Spirit will not do otherwise. Thus our preoccupation must be revealing Jesus Christ to the world. When we read any part of the Bible we must read it in the spirit of finding and understanding Jesus and His finished work on the cross. And this comes only by revelation through the Holy Spirit, not just by theological discourse. You can know Jesus historical, theologically, and physically. But to truly know Jesus it must be by revelation through the Holy Spirit.

I am by no means saying we shouldn't learn from others, read books and go to school to learn the scripture and know Jesus. If that is the case then there should be no need for me to write this message for you to learn. All I am saying is that go beyond what you are taught at church or Bible school. Go beyond what you read in books and even in the Bible. The Bible itself says Study to show yourself approved by DIVIDING the word of truth. Without dividing you cannot multiply your understanding and knowledge of the truth. Spend time to go over all that you have been taught about Jesus and discover Him for yourself through the leading of the Holy Spirit. It is all about Jesus Christ, my dear.

Anathallo Chapel International


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