Apostle Abeiku Okai 

This debate about "Christianity and politics" is a Methuselah debate that has troubled the minds of many Christians and even the secular society including politicians, who wouldn't want "religious" interference in the affairs of the state.

It is surely the result of this debate that God is sacked from American public schools. It is this same issue that has caused some Christians and Christian denominations to stand aloof from national and community affairs, thus sacking the state from the church.

But before we can make any beginning in this discourse it will be ideal to go into the image and definition of politics. Of course, in today's society the image of politics goes with words like, corruption, conflict, power struggle, insult, propaganda, deception and interestingly, dirty-game. And it is in view of this negative image created around politics that many good believers find it unacceptable for Christians to engage in politics. But will that give us a fair reason to disassociate believers from the political affairs of the state?

The word politics originated from the Greek society in their effort to create an "ideal state" (polis). And this was proposed through the writings of political thinkers such as Plato and Aristotle. Plato made effort to draw men into the creation of a society in which man can live in harmony with each other and have fair access to community responsibilities and privileges without prejudice. He wrote about a state that must be best for all men and for which end we must engage.

Aristotle also penned that "Man is by nature a political animal", which implies that man cannot be divorced from politics. Thus, in summary, in his book, "What is politics?", Leftwich mentioned three elements of politics: "people, resources, and power."

Now let's delve into the Bible to analyse the above thoughts. It needs to first be agreed that I have not erred by alluding to philosophers such as Aristotle and Plato. Paul did the same when he quoted an Ephesian (Greek) poet to state spiritual truth.

"For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring." (Acts 17:28)

Now, Greek thinkers dreamt of an ideal state (polis) and so created the political concept. But are they the originators of politics? Who first wanted an ideal state for humanity, man or God? Genesis 1:26 states,

"And God said, Let us make MAN (people) in our image, after our likeness: and let them have DOMINION (power) over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the EARTH (resources), and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the EARTH (resources)."

Look again at the words in the brackets. Don't they reveal the three elements in Leftwich definition of politics? And doesn't this statement of God before man was created depict "the ideal state" man has been seeking for through politics? If this is so then God is the first political thinker. Thus God did not put us in a jungle or animal kingdom where "survival of the fitters" is the game.

God created the ideal state, which we call the Garden of Eden. And man through sin lost that Garden. But is that Garden still lost? Is there no hope for man to return to that Garden? When Jesus Christ came to earth, what did He come to do? He came to restore that Garden. He came to put that power back into man's hand and said to His disciples:

"And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All POWER (power) is given unto me in heaven and in the EARTH (resources). Go ye therefore, and teach all nations (People), baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:" (Matthew 28:18-19)

Look again at the bracket and then refer to Genesis 1:26 above and compare that to Leftwich definition of politics again. What do you see? Assuredly Jesus didn't come to create a political party. He didn't also come to create a religion. He came to create a people who will take over the world not for self-glory or selfish gains but for God and for the good of others.

So ask yourself these questions:

1. Should a Christian influence the society for Christ?

2. Should a Christian engage in upholding human rights and responsibilities to protect the minority and vulnerable in society?

3. Should a Christian engage in the economic affairs of the society in terms of providing jobs and welfare aids?

4. Should a Christian support the cause of building a peaceful and productive society?

5. Should a Christian engage in the execution of freedom and justice?

6. Should a Christian contribute to the drafting of national constitution and also abide by it and ensure that other fellow human beings abide by it?

7. Should a Christian offer himself to the service of the nation?

If your answers are yes then a Christian is free to engage in politics. But if your answers are "no" then a Christian should not engage in politics. And for that matter has no business in influencing the society for Christ. For politics is not restricted to standing for public office only. It is about the total welfare of the state.

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Anathallo Chapel International


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