Soul Ties is not biblical. || Apostle Abeiku Okai reveals.


I have observed with great concern how some believers and ministers use 'lies' and fear to establish doctrines for consumption. These false teachings have unsettled the souls of many, against the truth that is in Christ. One of such false doctrines is Soul Ties. 

Soul Ties is said to mean that a person's soul becomes tied to his or her partner's soul through sexual union, being within the context of marriage or outside of it. Mostly, it is preached as happening when two persons engage in fornication. 

While the Bible condemns fornication and all forms of sexual misconduct it does not speak at all on two souls getting knit together due to sexual acts. However, in forcing their opinions on the Bible such teachers use the following scriptures:

1. David and Jonathan (1st Samuel 18:1).

"And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that THE SOUL OF JONATHAN WAS KNIT WITH THE SOUL OF DAVID, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul." 

When studying the Bible we should not forget the need to understand the literary devices used by the writers to communicate truth. We should not also rip a verse out of its context to make doctrines out of it. The verse above is only describing in graphical terms how commitment Jonathan became to David by loving him deeply in heart and deeds. The third verse records; 

"Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul." 

You can see clearly what the Bible means by Jonathan soul being knit to that of David. It simply means Jonathan loved David just as he loved himself such that he would sacrifice and do everything for David as he would do for himself. That is all. There is no actual souls attachment in the scripture, neither is there a sexual relation mentioned. 

2. He that is joined to the prostitute... (2st Cor. 6:16)

"What? know ye not that he which is JOINED TO AN HARLOT is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh." 

In this verse, the language is very simple and the meaning is conspicuously clear. There is nothing like soul ties but rather that of the body. If a person commits a sexual sin he or she becomes one body (one flesh), but NOT one soul, with the sexual partner. 

The choice of words of the Bible was never penned down carelessly. Therefore, if the Bible says ONE BODY, we should not twist it to be or to mean ONE SOUL. The Holy Spirit never speaks in vain so do not put words in the mouth of the Bible, making it say what it doesn't say. 

Sexual relations, whether within the context of marriage or outside of it, breeds intimacy between the bodies of the sexual partners. This intimacy, if outside the context of marriage, can deeply affect a person's health and conscience,  thereby limiting the functionality of the person's body in the glory and service of the Lord (for the body is the temple of the LORD), and the edification of humanity in fulfilment of one's purpose on earth. Hence the Bible says, 

"For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." (1st Cor. 6:20).

This is the plain truth in scriptures. There is absolutely no hint of soul ties or the soul being connected to sexual relations. The Bible plainly says, 

"Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the body; but he that committeth fornication SINNETH AGAINST HIS OWN BODY." (1st Cor. 6:18).

Sex affects the body, not the soul. Therefore,  the doctrine of soul ties must be quickly discarded. Fear doesn't set anybody free. Only the truth does. Teach it as it is and the change will be real, not fake. 

Finally, never also assume that having sex in dreams means your soul is tied to somebody's soul or a spirit. Your soul can be lost if you are not saved but once you are saved by the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ there is no way your soul can be tied to another spirit. For apart from humans, no spirit possesses a soul. That is why the Bible says, 

"But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit." (1st Cor. 6:17).


Apst. Abeiku Okai 

Anathallo Chapel Int. 

KNTC - free Online Bible College 


Idi Yompo 


  1. Eye opening, God bless you papa. We use scripture out of context to cause fear to others. Am bless


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