QUANSIMAH - Episode 2 Abeiku Okai


Episode 2

Story by Mr & Mrs Abeiku Okai_

Continue from Episode 1

After several years of being away due to serious anger, Quansimah finally returned home and first met her elderly sister, Naana, with whom she had had the greatest fight.

Episode 2

Naana was so excited to see her sister back home. She even wept and went crazy calling everybody to come and see her younger sister. Indeed, Quansimah had really changed and looked very splendid in beauty and class. Naana on the other hand had become older in look than her age would have permitted. The weight of poverty and two kids without a father had taken away all her glory and beauty. But one thing was sure, with little financial lift and freedom from regrets she could bounce back into her prime. 

While they were growing up Naana had a better prospect in future. And because she was very intelligent at school she was also tipped by everybody as the one who would bring glory to the family. As for Quansimah, she was too much a hard girl and sometimes very rough. Due to that her mother was not too fond of her. The home was therefore like Naana for Mummy and Quansimah for Daddy.  But they were very close sisters while growing up. And Quansimah always defended and took up Naana's fight.

A few community members quickly gathered to joyfully welcome Quansimah home. But Naana zealously pulled her sister away from the crowd into the house. Her mother was busy with boiling water to wet gari. That would be the family meal for the evening. They had often lived on gari and stew since her mother usually gave helping hand to a neighbour who was in the gari business.

As usual, her father was not home. He always spent his time at the local bar and would return home heavily drunk. He never gave birth to a boy and after Quansimah was born they couldn't get any child again. So he had banged all his plans in his daughters, hoping they would bring him the future he failed to have due to lack of education and skills. Therefore, it had badly wounded him to see his daughters also becoming nothing to be proud of. Of course, Quansimah might finally make him a happy man.

"Oh my God!" Aunty Aba, shouted in shock, when she saw her daughter. But Quansimah couldn't delay in embracing her mother. 

"Where is Paapa?" she asked.

"He is at his paradise drinking." Her mother answered and added, "But don't worry, he will be home soon walking as though the earth is being driven by the devil's most foolish servant."

However, while they spoke her father entered. He wasn't drunk. Somebody had quickly informed him of the return of Quansimah. And due to joy he forgot the alcohol he had just bought to drink. Both Aunty Aba and Naana were surprised to see Nenyi Otoo free from alcohol that day. And they joked and laughed it out loud.

Eventually,  the whole family sat together, ate the gari together and reminisced the days gone by. Both sisters apologised to each other and pledged to forget about the past. But Quansimah did not reveal anything about her marriage or her husband to her family. She didn't feel it was right to do that at that time. "Some things must be told and others must be discovered", she said to herself.

Her time in the village would be too short. She had to return to Accra just the next day because she didn't tell her husband she was finally visiting home. Her husband had gone outside the country for a two days business conference. And would be returning anytime the next day. So Quansimah quickly unveiled her mission: "I want Naana to come and stay and do business with me in Accra."

"What!" her father noised out, "That can't be."

to be continued

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