The Nose Mask Hypocrisy - Apostle Abeiku Okai

 I entered a church compound three days ago to buy wheelchair to donate to a physically challenged person in behalf of one of my donors. I approached the church office and out came an attendant. Immediately he saw me wearing my face mask he began,

"Why do you enter the house of God with face mask on. Can Corona Virus affect Jesus Christ.  Why should you bring face mask here?"

I quickly got peeved but at the same time decided not to respond. My attitude seemed to rather infuriate him the more, especially when I positioned my mask better on my nose. He said, 

"Even as I am talking you are not removing your mask. Is Corona Virus greater than Jesus Christ?" 

I wanted to give him a reply from the Bible that will shock him to the core but again I restrained my spirit. I didn't want him to know my identity as a pastor and a voracious consumer of the Bible than he can ever imagined. 

Then he led me unhappily into the church auditorium, where the person I was looking for has his office. On entering the auditorium I was a bit uncomfortable because while I was not ready to remove my mask I knew entering the auditorium with it on would also arouse the wrath of the others within.

When I entered the auditorium and knocked the door of one of the offices within, I was greeted by strange faces. They too were taken aback by my wearing mask in "God's house". 

Then I saw something that shocked me the most. I turned to my right and saw in front of the door of one of the offices, I presume to be the office where cash is counted. There was a sign that read, "No Mask No Entry." Huh!

I almost drew the attention of the senior hypocrite and asked him, "Who put this sign here?" But again I restrained myself, focusing on my mission alone. 

Here is what I want us to note as Christians: wearing a mask does not in any way mean lack of faith. Wearing mask does not mean Corona Virus is greater than God. Wearing mask does not mean we have fallen to the dictate of the world. Wearing mask does not mean we are carnal or unwise in spiritual things. 

On the contrary wearing mask means we are people who add wisdom to our faith and help build national consensus for the common good. Peter said, 

"But also for this very reason, giving all  diligence, ADD TO YOUR FAITH virtue, to virtue  KNOWLEDGE." (2nd Peter 1:5)

If you have faith but fail to add knowledge you will be foolish and stupid. The Bible again says, "Do not be OVERLY RIGHTEOUS,  Nor be overly wise:  Why should you destroy yourself?" (Eccl. 7:16). Over righteousness and religious fanaticism will always destroy you. The Bible commands; "Let every soul be subject to the governing  authorities. For there is no authority except from  God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God." (Romans 1:13). 

Have you forgotten an angel told Joseph to run away with Jesus Christ because Herod sought to destroy the child? 

"Now when they had departed, behold, an  angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream,  saying, “Arise, take the young Child and His  mother, FLEE TO EGYPT, and stay there until I bring  you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to  destroy Him.”  (Matthew 2:13).

Was Herod greater and stronger than God? Couldn't God by His Sovereignty just kill Herod or prevent anybody from destroying the child? Why should Joseph flee  with the child? Was God running away? 

When Jesus grew up and the Jews wanted to kill Him the Bible says, 

"Then, from that day on, they plotted to put  Him to death. THEREFORE JESUS NO LONGER  WALKED OPENLY AMONG THE JEWS, but went from  there into the country near the wilderness, to a  city called Ephraim, and there remained with His  disciples." (John 11:53-54). 

Oh so Jesus took precautions when they plotted to kill Him? Why didn't Jesus shout, "I am Jesus, nobody can harm me?" Was Jesus afraid? Was Jesus faithless? Was Jesus powerless? Absolutely no. The Bible says wisdom is profitable to direct. 

Don't be an ignorant Christian. Wear your mask. Help the government to be able to govern in such a time as this and let's eradicate the virus together. The mask might not be the final answer or even the most effective but it is one of the steps in the right direction for our collective effort in defeating this virus.

Thank you. 

©Apostle Abeiku Okai

Anathallo Chapel Int.


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