The Law and Grace, which one gives power to sin? || Apostle Abeiku Okai

I have heard several accusations against the gospel of grace and name-calling of grace preachers as givers of license to sin. 

It is not shocking to hear several folks saying people are hiding behind grace to sin or people are sinning because of the message of grace. Honestly, it baffles me to see such comments because it is an insult to the word of God, and to Jesus Christ Himself, to say so.

Therefore, I want to take you through what the scripture has to say on the matter. 

First of all if grace gives license to sin or grace preachers are giving license to sin then Jesus Christ was the first person who gave men license to sin. The Bible says, 

"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among  us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the  only begotten of the Father, FULL OF GRACE AND  TRUTH."

Being full of grace Jesus Christ's entire mission was nothing but grace. And grace is truth.

 Nobody who got healed by Jesus Christ deserved it. Nobody who got very closed to Jesus, ate with Him and even worshipped Him had anything to deserved before God. Grace drew all of them closer and kept them continually with Him. Bible says, 

"Then all the tax collectors and the sinners drew  near to Him to hear Him. And the Pharisees  and scribes complained, saying, “This Man  receives sinners and eats with them.” (Luke 15:1-2).

But now, I want to dare anybody to quote me any scripture that says grace gives power or license to sin. For I am about to give you ample scriptures that says the law gives power to sin, not grace. 

First of all Romans 6:1-2 state clearly that it is impossible for a person under grace to continue IN (not _to_ ) sin. The reason the Apostle made this very statement and emphatically said it is impossible for people under grace to continue to live IN sin is found in the previous scripture:

"The law was brought in so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more." (Romans 5:20 NIV).

In effect the Apostle was saying that when God gave the law sin became more conspicuous, vicious and copious. But the more people sinned (through the law), God increased the flow of grace. Why? It takes grace to stop sin, not the law.

Listen to 1st Cor. 15:56:

"The sting of death is sin, and THE STRENGTH OF SIN IS THE LAW." (NKJV) 

You see it? Without the law sin has no strength. 

"When we were controlled by our old nature, sinful desires were at work within us, and THE LAW AROUSED THESE EVIL DESIRES that produced a harvest of sinful deeds, resulting in death." (Romans 7:5 NLT) 

"But sin used this command to arouse all kinds of covetous desires within me! IF THERE WERE NO LAW, SIN WOULD NOT HAVE THAT POWER." (Romans 7:8 NLT)

Now, would this mean the law is bad or sinful? Definitely no. I am not against the law or speaking of the law as evil. The simple point the scripture makes concerning the law is that it is good, perfect and holy but it cannot deal with sin. It cannot make anybody perfect or help men overcome sin. It rather gives room for people to become conscious of sin and wallow helplessly in it. Only grace can save man from sin (Ephesians 2:8-9).

"For WHAT THE LAW COULD NOT DO in that IT WAS WEAK through the flesh, God did by sending His  own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on  account of sin:  NKJV)

The Bible is saying plainly that the law was perfect and good but IT WAS WEAK. It was weak in dealing with sin. It condemned the sinner instead of condemning sin. And by condemning the sinner the law made sin stronger and the sinner weaker and weaker. So the sinner kept sinning and sinning under the law, not under grace. Hence Romans 6:14 say, 

"For sin shall not have dominion over you, for YOU ARE NOT UNDER LAW BUT UNDER GRACE." 

Nothing can be clearer than that. Why then are people trying to talk as if it is rather grace preachers who are giving license to sin, not the law preacher? 

I put it to you that every preacher of the law is the very reason sin is increasing. And because sin is increasing through the law we the grace preachers will rise up more strongly and radically preach the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ to remove the wall of partition that has kept some people outside the blessings of God because we feel and think they are not holy enough to come and serve the LORD with us. 

Share this with pride. Don't shy away from preaching grace. You have the backing of scriptures. Be bold.


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