How Do I Know God has called Me

Abeiku Okai Ministries
(Miracle Jesus Crusade)
WhatsApp: +233 0249287855
Several Christians are confused about the issue of whether they are called by God or not. But there is no need for this confusion. As long as you have given your life to Christ then you are enlisted for the Lord's service. Remember the woman by the well. Immediately she encountered the Messiah and believed, she went straight into the city to evangelize.
Acts 8:4 also records,
"Therefore they (the believers) that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the word." (bracket mine).
These believers were not apostles. There was no special call on their lives. They were simply believers but wherever they found themselves they preached. Some people are waiting for a special voice from heaven. Some are waiting for a dream and others are also seeking signs. There are still those who want some prophets to pour oil on them and say some words. This confusion is not necessary. Jesus said to the believers who were with Him right before His ascension;
"But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth."
This was not said only to the disciples but to all the 120 who were in the upper room when the Holy Spirit was given. Now, do you have the Holy Spirit in you? Then you are qualified to be a witness of the Lord. Stop doubting the call of God on your life and start sharing your faith. Stephen was chosen in Acts 6 to care for food but he also saw soul winning as his mandate so he preached the first long sermon in Acts. For his crown, he won the victory of being the first believer to die for Christ. I strongly believe that his prayers was what caused Saul (Apostle Paul) to encounter Jesus. What are you waiting for?
God has not called everybody to be a pastor but He has called every believer to spread the Good News about His Son. Where have you found yourself? In your house, at your work place, school, community, on social media, or even in your church? Then start there. You are called to win those around you wherever you are.
They say brighten the corner where you are. If you start shining for Christ in your little corner, you will discover how greatly God can use you to touch the world from that corner. And very soon you will discover the office God has put you into.
Knowing God's call on your life comes by faith and decision to go every length for Christ.
Anathallo Chapel International


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