Rev. Abeiku Okai
Abeiku Okai Ministries
WhatsApp: +233 0249287855
At the University of Ghana, a roommate posed a sharp question to me, "B.I.C., What's your proof that God exists?" He was so imposing in his question that he didn't give me enough breathing space to answer. Actually, he didn't want me to use the Bible to proof my point, which was like asking me to describe the bird without referring to its wings.
Anyway, the debate on the issue of God's existence is not much of a problem in Africa because every aspect of our lives is tied to the supernatural (something beyond science) than the natural (within the scope of science). However, in America and the western world, the debate is much of a contest. The reason is that while the western world may be scientifically advanced they may be poorly advanced spiritually, even as they have become more secular. As a result there is a limitation imposed on them by what is seen and touched, which causes them to mistake facts for truth.
Yes, in the scientific mind the truth is replaced by the fact and everything is thus subjected to factual verification instead of truthful verification. And that is what has caused most people to debate the existence of God. They want to reduce God to an object, limited by their own senses and standard of measurement. They want to find God in the seen, not the unseen. Meanwhile the truth is that the seen was made from the unseen by the Unseen (Hebrews 11:3). God is not a fact, He is THE TRUTH.
The issue is that God gave the natural world to man and so everything natural is limited to man's dominion. That is why man can subject anything natural, not everything in the natural, to his laboratory. That is also why we hear of God in the natural but we cannot find Him in the natural. We may imagine him in our senses but He isn't there. So those who fail to draw Him into their imagination end up concluding that He does not exist. This happens because they wouldn't want to step out of their five senses into the sixth sense, which is the faith realm.
The problem therefore is  not that God doesn't exist. The problem rather is that those who claim God doesn't exist have failed over and over to bring Him to their laboratory. They have also failed to see him through their telescope because He is beyond man's creative machines. As a result of their failure and frustration they have concluded in their minds, not scientifically, that God doesn't exists.
If everything must be proven by science then they must also prove scientifically that God doesn't exist. This they cannot do.
But wait a minute, there is another problem. Most of those who claim God doesn't exist have not proven themselves to be good scientist so their conclusion on God's nonexistence is a deviation from science. A good scientist proofs his fact through the scientific method: Observation, Formulation of Hypothesis, Experimentation, and conclusion of facts gathered from controlled experimentation.
Thus the scientist must first of all observe the phenomenon. How many atheists have taken it upon themselves to 'observe' in the light of finding God? I personally know God exists because I do observe my own life encounter with Him. I observe His miracle both in my life and the lives of others. And I see Him more real than I can see my wife. When Jesus was ascending the disciples observed with their naked eye and they believed indeed that just as He went so He will return. Paul didn't see this ascension but he observed the whole evidence and believed beyond those who saw it with their naked eye. How many atheists today ever saw Charles Darwin? Yet they buy into his theory of evolution and believe he ever lived. They have the evidence from his books and other books yet these same atheists disbelieve the evidence of God despite the assertion from God's own book, the Bible, and other books.
Atheists may have formulated their hypothesis about their "God's nonexistence theory" but that hypothesis is mostly that of hatred of God than genuine scientific research. A true scientist is not angry with the phenomenon under observation. But atheists have failed to be fair to their subject, in this case, God. So their hypothesis is mostly this, "If God exists then why this evil or that evil?" They are rather accusationists than scientists.
Others also formulate their hypothesis based on their mere hatred of religion and dissatisfaction of religious fanatics. Again, they don't let God speak for Himself. The phenomenon must stand for itself. But atheists try to kill God in their resentment against religious evils. But God is neither religious nor a religion. He is God, simple.
Experimentation is the core of the empiricism of the scientific method. To have a honest experimentation one must give a practical attention to the subject under study. The anthropologist for instance will go into the culture he is studying in order to understand it. For example, if you want to scientifically study about the people of Senya Beraku, in the Central Region of the Republic of Ghana, you will need to go and live among the people. You cannot sit in a classroom or behind your desk and say you are making an accurate scientific experiment, except your subject under study can be carried to your room or laboratory.
Like the Economist, you need to go to the market to understand the market trends. But unfortunately, many atheists have refused to go into the very community where God lives. God created the universe but doesn't live in the universe just as man created the computer but doesn't live in the computer. God lives inside His Word, the Bible. The Bible is not a mere book; it is a living entity, able to speak for itself with infallible proofs. So if you want to proof whether God exists or not, step out of your prejudice and make a thorough trip and search into the Bible. Go and live among Adam, Abraham, Noah, Moses, David, Esther, Mary, Paul, Peter, and ultimately, Jesus Christ, who we say is the dwelling place of God. If you can read Darwin's books and agree with him then read the Bible and make a honest judgement from your findings. In fact, let me alert you that the Bible will not proof to you that God exists, it will actually show you God and tell you that the Truth is the "I AM WHAT I AM". The Bible will show you the hands that was pierced and ask you to put your finger inside for yourself and admonish you not to be faithless - a word you may not want to hear.
Visiting the Bible is like going to live among the Senyans to proof whether the people of Senya Beraku are Guans or Fantes? If going to the people is impossible then you can contact somebody who is a native of the place. This is where you have to do what former atheist, Lee Strobel, did and ended up writing a classic book, "The Case for Christ". Go to those who say God exist and ask them why they say so. Don't forget that the Bible will not bother to proof God but will show you God in person so that your own experience with Him will be your proof rather than a laboratory test. We are here to show you God not in the laboratory but in Jesus Christ, who came to reveal the Father.
There is a very important aspect of the scientific method necessary for scientific conclusions. That is, you need to also make some applications from your found result or from your hypothesis. For example, if water vapourises and forms clouds, which fall as rain, then  set up a fire, cover a boiling water and observe the formation of vapour on the lid. Then make your final conclusion. So to prove whether God exist or not, apply a simple prayer principle like this:
"God, kindly reveal to me whether you exist or not. In Jesus Name I pray."
Praying in Jesus Name is like attending the president's banquet with an invitation card, without which protocol may turn you back. You will be foolish to throw away the invitation card just because you are a citizen of the land. You need Jesus to meet God.
Pray it honestly and you will be amazed that our stupidity in believing God exists is a matter of truth greater than any scientific wisdom. And the peace of God will lead you to the Greener Pastures.
Finally, let me give you the only laboratory in which God can easily be found. Hebrews 11:6. Take a Bible and start your scientific research from there. Love you.
"But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him". (Hebrews 11:6)
Anathallo Chapel International


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