A Command YOU Cannot Avoid

A message from Evangelist Abeiku Okai (Brother In Christ)

TEXT: Matthew 28:18-20

And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost: teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

When a father or a master is about to depart, his last words are always the most important. And such important statements are intentionally reserved for the last hour because that is the actual thing the father or master would want to be done in his absence. In Luke 19:12 a travelling master said unto his servants, occupy till I come.This master had given his servants some pounds to do business with. The pounds did not belong to the servants but the master. Therefore the servants were to use the pounds as directed by the master.
In the same vein, one of the last and most important statements of Jesus before he ascended into heaven is found in Matthew 28:18-20. It is this command we call the great commission. There are few things to look at:
1.      Go
2.      Teach all nations
3.      Baptise them
4.      Teach them to do – train them.
Just as the pounds belonged not to the servants, but the master, so the calling and gifts of God are not for us. Our mission is to use whatever resource, gifts and talents and time available to do the master’s will. The master’s will – what we are commissioned to do as Christians - is to GO.

1.      WHERE DO WE GO?

i.                    We Go To All The World.
Mark 16:15

The Gospel of Mark gives us the precise answer to the question: where do we go in fulfilling the great commission. Jesus said; Go ye into all the world.All the world’ in this verse refers to all ethnic groupings, et ethne– the social system (kosmos); that is, different kinds of people in and at different locations with different culture. It could be your community, your work place…everywhere. A hymn writer says; spread the joyful news wherever man is found. Once you can see people or just a person, know that the harvest is ripe.Go there.

ii.                 We Go Where The Spirit Bids Us.
Acts 8:26-40
Every true Christian is led by the Spirit. For without the Spirit of the Lord it is impossible to fulfill any law of God. You can never know where to preach the word of God until the Holy Spirit leads you. And you can never make any impact until the Spirit of God works with you and through you. It is on account of this that the Lord Jesus said to the disciples not to leave Jerusalem but wait for the promise of the Father, which is the Holy Spirit.
Philip the Evangelist was led by the Spirit to preach the word to the Ethiopia Eunuch. The result was fantastic.
So to fulfill the great commission, you have to be led by the Spirit. You will hear the Spirit bidding you to go this way or that way to minister. When you hear the Spirit speaks, obey immediately. Your prompt obedience to the voice of the Spirit will make you a great fisher of men.

2.      WHO DO WE REACH?

i.                    All nations
Jesus came to the lost sheep of Israel and he told the disciples to reach the uttermost part of the earth starting from Jerusalem (Acts 1:8). They were to start from Jerusalem because Jerusalem was where they were. It is best to start fulfilling the commission from where you are: your immediate environment such as your household, and your workplace. Reach your family members, your neighbours, your workers and colleagues at work. Do not think too far away. You can create great impediment if you want to have a bigger platform, go on radio or television before you preach the gospel. Start from exactly where you are with what you have; it’s enough.

ii.                 The Lost
Many churches today mount crusades and parade believers on the crusade grounds thinking they are fulfilling the great commission. Jesus was clear on the subject of soul winning. He told the disciples to win the lost; those who do not know Christ and have not accepted him. Bible says he who has bathed needs no bathing again (John 13:10). A believer no more needs salvation. He is saved already and should rather let his salvation reach other people.
You are sent not to destroy somebody’s church by claiming the members into your congregation. Of course there are many church goers who are not believers and such are also target for the gospel of salvation. But it is always best to be led by the Spirit in your effort to bring the lost into the fold. Go out and bring in the lost. Anytime I see a lost soul the Spirit says to me: the harvest is great. Let’s go out and bring them in.

iii.               Church Goers
Several believers assume church attendance is the same as salvation. So in soul winning process they ask: “Do you go to church?”
If the person says, ‘Yes I go to church’; they are satisfied, concluding in their minds that the fellow is saved. If the person answers: ‘No, I don’t go to church’; they will ask? ‘Why?’ And then encourage the fellow to find a church to attend or at best join their church. This is a wrong soul winning system.
Going to church is not gaining salvation. Salvation is more than mere going to church though you cannot rule out church attendance as a true believer.
Some sheep are in the fold but are not part of the sheep. They do not belong to the master. It is your responsibility to allow the Spirit of the Lord to use you to identify those sheep in the fold which do not belong to the master yet. Jesus loves the church goer as well. But going to church does not make one a Christian.

Some church goers are genuine in their search for God. The problem is that they have not yet bit the fruit of salvation. Present the apple of life to them. Many churches are not feeding the members with the right food so many genuine church goers are not realising their main problem, which is lack of salvation.
They engage the members in hours of fasting, prayers, prophetic ministrations and ‘power-packed’ services. All are good but sadly, most members are still not saved.

Be zealous about winning them for Christ. It does not matter whether the church goer is a member of your church or not, you have to present the gospel of salvation to him/her. Never make a mistake to think that every member of your church is saved.

iv.                The Hypocrite and Self-righteous.
Jesus does not only want the church goer, He also wants the hypocrites and even the self-righteous folks. He is ready to bring them to the understanding that salvation still awaits them. Don’t condemn the hypocrites or self-righteous folks; pray for them until God brings change in their spirit.I got repented in a ministry that believes salvation is through absolute obedience in the Jewish traditions such as going to church on the Sabbath (Saturday) from 6am to 6pm; removing the sandals before entering the chapel; women not permitted to minister the word of God; not speaking in tongues or permitting deliverance services, etc. The ministry also believes righteousness is attained by striving to obey all the law – self effort. At the time I used to condemn those who believe in what I now believe. I thought they were wrong and I was right until the Lord removed my scale of self-righteousness and know-it-all Christianity.
Without any influence from any other church I began to experience the move of the Holy Spirit in my life. I prayed for others and they spoke in tongues, got delivered from demons and experienced many other miracles. This began to happen while I was in the secondary school. All along I could still not speak in tongues because my belief was still not firm to accept it. After the secondary school, one day while praying alone in the middle of the night, the Spirit empowered me and I began to speak in tongues for more than hours. Nobody led me to any of these experiences.

I realised my nakedness and inability to obtain salvation and righteousness by myself. I realised how I had tied God’s hands with my self-seeking righteousness. There are more people out there in this same situation. They think they know but they are totally lost.

Keep praying for those who have innocently lost the way. They are like the Saul of Damascus who became Paul the Great Apostle; they need Jesus to strike them down and re-shape the direction of their hearts. Like Ananias you are being directed by God to open the eyes of the hypocrites and self-righteous. God loves everybody and everybody has the opportunity to be saved until death ends it. So reach out for all through prayers and the word.


In the Greek language, this point denotes making of disciple or enrolling as a learner or pupil. The Greek word used is Matheteos.It thus means that you should enrol people into the school of Christ, making them disciples or pupils who will learn from the Great Teacher and become His students.

Jesus is not just sending you out to preach. He has made you a Public Relation Officer; an advertiser and an Admission Officer. Your assignment also includes telling people about the school, distributing the admission forms and actually admitting them into it. You work with the Holy Spirit. He is the boss and you are directly under Him, enlisting students into the school.


i.                    Baptism is a symbol of acceptance into Christendom. When an unbeliever is won, the next most important thing to do is to baptise the person.  What matters primarily is to have the person surrender his or her life to Christ and then baptise him or her. God does not expect the new believer to become an outright obedient person, obeying all religious laws and requirement before receiving baptism. If you bring a fish home, you first have to clean the fish before using it for any other purpose.
Many churches spend too many times on teaching the new believer to obey and accept all laws before baptism. This is un-scriptural.
The Ethiopian Euncuh, after receiving Christ, said to Philip: This is water, what prevents my baptism?
Yes, teach the new believer to get him spiritually and mentally ready for baptism. It should be his or her personal choice based on scriptures. But that does not mean too many time and requirements must be spent before baptism. Once the person makes up his or her mind for Christ, and thus submits, what prevents his or her baptism?

ii.                 Spiritual Baptism
This is equally an important form of baptism needed by the new believer. You do not need to be a matured Christian before receiving Spiritual baptism. You rather need it before you can become a matured Christian. Without Spiritual baptism you cannot do the will of God as a Christian.

Spiritual Baptism is basically the fall of the Holy Spirit upon the new believer to equip him or her in their walk with God (Acts 1:8). Teach the new believer about the Holy Spirit and let him or her be receptive to the Spirit. When God opens the new believer’s heart, the Holy Spirit automatically enters. This is followed by many signs including speaking in tongues.

The major sign of the out-pour of the Spirit is that the believer becomes zealous for the Lord. If a new believer is not serious about God and his or her new faith, pray for the Spirit to baptise him or her. And teach him devotedly about the scriptures.

Be careful of the ministry of condemnation. If the person has not yet received the Holy Spirit baptism it is not a sign of carnality. Don’t preach sermons of condemnation, referring the person back to his or her forgiven past. Rather encourage the person through the ministry of redemption, referring the person to the abundance grace of God and how God wants to better his or her life through the Gospel. Give the person hope in Christ and back it with fervent prayer on his or her behalf.


Teaching the gospel is the ultimate assignment of every believer and it is mandatory for every child of God to be able to teach the word of God. Without spreading the Word how do people hear it? And without teaching it how will new believers understand it? You do not reach the lost empty-handed. You need to have the message – from God and be able to teach it.

To teach the word of God to unbelievers is to fundamentally give testimonies of Christ’s death and salvation for all. At least you do have a testimony of how God saved you from sins and set you free. All you need to do is to let others know of this wonderful saving power of the Lord. Tell them of God’s mercy (John 3:16; Romans 3:23; 6:23; 8:1)

Soul winning does not end at a person receiving Christ. At least a principal part of the job is done when the fellow gives his or her life to Christ. But there is much more afterwards. That is where the fellow is now to be taken thoroughly through the scriptures to become an obedient follower of Christ.
There are basic doctrines the new believer has to be abreast with: repentance from dead works; faith towards God; baptism; laying on of hands, resurrection of the dead; eternal judgement, etc.(Heb. 6:1-2). From then you need to help the new believer to grow from being a baby unto maturity (1st Cor. 3:2; Heb. 5:12-14; 1st Pet. 2:2).

This aspect of soul winning might not necessarily be in your domain because God has given everybody his or her special gift. Paul said, I have planted, Apollos watered…(1st Cor. 3:6). Probably yours is to go out, preach and bring in the people. That alone is also great. Another person in the church, probably your pastor or the bible teacher, will do the rest of the job. You may even just be inviting your friends to church and indeed some of those invited friends will get repented. God will reward you for that. So you have no excuse in not fulfilling the great commission.

6.      PRAY FOR THEM.
Maybe there is a Bible teacher in your church who is in charge of teaching the new believer how to grow unto spiritual maturity; whatever the arrangement is, you cannot be an effective soul winner if you do not pray for your won souls and help them to build up. In his letter to the Colossians Paul said: since the day we heard it [of your faith, we]do not cease to pray for you…(Colossians 1:3:11).

Prayer is important in soul winning. While all the works from start to finish is done by the Holy Spirit, you need to commune with the Spirit on their behalf. Sometimes all you can do is to just lead the person to Christ and forget about baptism and teaching of the scriptures. Maybe you repented the person in a vehicle while both of you were travelling. And afterwards you never got the opportunity to meet the person again. Is your work then in vain? NO! Paul said;

I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.(1st Cor. 3:6)

The rest of the work is for the Spirit of the Lord. The Holy Spirit will use another believer elsewhere to build the person up. But your prayers for the person will do a lot of good to make that possible. In 2005 I repented a gentleman called Jerry, through the direction of the Holy Spirit. Later I lost contact with him. Nevertheless, I continued to pray on his behalf so that the Lord keeps him safe in the sheepfold.
 In September 2012, I had his cell phone number and called him only to be gladly informed: “Daddy, today I am a resident pastor in Accra.” I was exceedingly glad and full of praise to God.
I did just a minor part of the job: repenting, baptising and teaching only the basic principles of the Gospel. The bulk of his preparation into maturity and ministry was done by another servant(s) of God I never know.

Let prayer be your basic armour before, during and after soul winning.


Beloved in his Vine-yard, I am glad the Lord has led you to read this material. It is, in fact, a direct message from the Holy Spirit to you. It is my prayer that you do not put it down and forget about God’s assignment for your life. As a child of God, do not be concerned with the affairs of this world. Bible says seeks first the kingdom of God. I pray that you achieve God’s purpose for your life and become a great soul winner in this End-Time.
Do not worry about what you need. God will not send you on a mission without provision. God knows how to give good gift to His children. I have never regretted being a soul winner and I know you will never also regret.
We are in the end time, your obedient to the voice of the Spirit will keep both you and your people safe from the evils that are about to wreck our world. Jesus is coming soon and He is waiting on you. Paul said in 1st Cor. 9:16 ...for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I do not preach the gospel!
It is dangerous to run away from God’s work. One day you will give account of the gift of salvation He has given you so make use of it and start doing what you are called to do.

You can contact us:
Paradise Mission Gospel Ministry
P.O. Box SB 45
Senya Beraku


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