Bible studies note from Evangelist Abeiku Okai. call Evangelist on +233 0249287855/0249924048

TEXT: Mark 1:35
REF: Matt. 14:23; Mark 6:46; Luke 6:12; Joshua 1:8; Psalm 62:1

The hustles of life and the busy-ness of everyday life prevent so many Christians from having personal time with God. Even sleeping and laziness, have driven so many believers away from praying, reading the scriptures and meditating on the word of God.
Meanwhile, it is just impossible to maintain a relationship with God without having time for Him and his word. It is impossible to gain spiritual power and fervency without meeting God at solitary points. And it is impossible to walk in the Spirit without giving attention to the reading of the scriptures.

Personal time with God is an important aspect of the Christian life and that is the sole primary step towards all Christian growth. Many are those who want to do the will of God, grow in the Spirit and become strong and effective believers but only few do have personal time with God; only few pray and meditate on the word of God; and only few can endeavour to meet God where nobody is. Without devoting yourself to having time both with God and for God every day, you will fail in your Christian walk.

Service to God is not only about being among believers in the Church, praying and singing with the congregation. It is not only about witnessing, prophesying and preaching the Gospel 24/7 (everyday and every week). You also need to have time with God and for God and this we call Quiet Time.

To grow as a Christian you must devote time to always meet God, pray and meditate on the word. You need to be alone in the presence of God so that the Holy Spirit can minister to your heart without disturbances.

It was Jesus’ habit to often be alone in prayer and meditating. Most times he would leave the disciples and go up the mountain to pray. This became His secret to divine power. You must also do the same because you cannot be like Christ without being with Christ.
Example of people of God who made time with God.
·         Abraham: Gen 19:27
·         Job: Job 1:5
·         Jacob: Ge 28:18
·          Moses: Ex 34:4
·         Hannah and Elkanah: 1Sam 1:19
·         David: Ps 5:3 

Set aside a time in each day, ideally every morning before you go out from bed and evening before you go to bed. Try to meet God at least one hour each day and you will be amazed at the power God will give you to do His will and manifest his glory on earth.


1.       What are some of the things that prevent most believers from having time with God?
2.       Mention three advantages we gain when we have time for God.
3.       Is service to God alone enough to help us grow in the Spirit? What else do we need and why?
4.       What happens when we are alone with God?
5.       What time are you going to set apart each day to have personal time with God?


1.       Pray for the grace and discipline spirit to have time for God.
2.       Pray for God to separate you from all distractions that would prevent you from having time with Him.
3.       Pray for God’s anointing to lead you always into his presence.


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