Apostle Abeiku Okai

(Abeiku Okai Ministry

Anathallo Chapel Int.) 



Welcome to Harvest Commission, the evangelistic mission established by the Abeiku Okai Ministry, the outreach arm of the Anathallo Chapel Int. Our mission is to actively engage in fulfilling the Great Commission and harvesting souls for the Kingdom of God as Christ did (Luke 19:10) and commanded us to do (Matthew 28:19-20). 

Harvest Commission is made up of dedicated members and trained harvesters who are passionate about sharing the love of Christ with others and making a positive impact in their communities. Our evangelistic efforts are supported by the generous giving of our partners through the Harvest Commission Freewill Offering (HCFO) and other means.

We believe in equipping and training our members and harvesters with the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources needed for effective evangelism, sonship and discipleship. Our training programs cover areas such as apologetics, evangelism techniques, Bible study, and leadership. We also place a strong emphasis on accountability and transparency, with measures in place to ensure that resources donated towards our mission are utilized effectively and efficiently.

Through our partnerships with other churches, organisations, and individuals, we aim to work together towards achieving the Great Commission and making a positive impact in the world. We believe in using technology and innovation to support our evangelistic efforts and optimizlse outreach. Our mission trips provide an opportunity for members and harvesters to learn about different cultures and share the love of Christ with others.

As you read through The Harvest Commission document, we hope that you will be inspired and encouraged to join us in fulfilling the Great Commission and making a positive impact in the world.


1. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." - Matthew 28:19-20

2. "The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest." - Luke 10:2

3. "And he said to them, 'Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.'" - Matthew 4:19

4. "For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek." - Romans 1:16

5. "Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven." - Matthew 5:16

6. "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." - Luke 4:18-19

1. THE HARVEST COMMISSION is a vital mission established by the Abeiku Okai Ministry, the outreach arm of Anathallo Chapel Int, led by the founder of the church, Apostle Abeiku Okai. Its purpose is to actively engage in fulfilling the Great Commission by sharing the Gospel and harvesting souls for the Kingdom of God. Through the efforts of the Harvesters and generous support of partners, the Harvest Commission has been instrumental in transforming countless lives and communities."

2. THE HARVESTERS are a dedicated group of members who have undergone extensive training and equipping to effectively preach the Gospel and engage in evangelism. These passionate individuals are committed to fulfilling the Great Commission by actively sharing the message of salvation and winning souls for the Kingdom of God. Through their tireless efforts and dedication, the Harvesters have been instrumental in transforming countless lives and communities."

3. HARVEST COMMISSION FREEWILL OFFERING (HCFO): is a generous giving program established to provide vital resources and support for the Harvesters and other evangelistic efforts. Through the sacrificial giving of partners and supporters, the HCFO has enabled the Harvest Commission to expand its reach and impact, transform lives, and spread the message of salvation around the world. Every donation, no matter how small, is crucial in enabling the Harvesters to effectively fulfill the Great Commission and bring hope to those who need it most."

4. HARVEST COMMISSION GOSPEL PARTNERS: "The Harvest Commission Gospel Partners are an essential group of committed supporters who regularly contribute financially and materially to support the spread of the Gospel. Through their generous giving, the Gospel Partners enable the Harvest Commission to expand its reach, provide vital resources and support for the Harvesters, and effectively fulfill the Great Commission. The impact of their partnership is significant and far-reaching, transforming lives and communities around the world, and bringing hope to those who need it most."

5. HARVEST COMMISSION EVANGELISTIC STRATEGY: is a comprehensive plan and approach adopted by the ministry to effectively reach individuals and communities with the transformative Gospel message. Through a range of carefully designed strategies, including door-to-door evangelism, street evangelism, crusades, conferences, media outreach, and other initiatives, the Harvest Commission has been able to expand its reach, impact, and influence across the globe. The Evangelistic Strategy is an integral part of the Harvest Commission's mission to fulfill the Great Commission, and its effectiveness is a testament to the dedication and hard work of the Harvesters and Gospel Partners who are committed to sharing the message of hope and salvation with the world."

6. HARVEST COMMISSION TRAINING PROGRAMS: The Harvest Commission Training Programs (HCTP) are vital initiatives designed to equip members and Harvesters with the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources needed for effective evangelism and discipleship. These comprehensive training programs cover a wide range of areas, including apologetics, evangelism techniques, Bible study, leadership, and more. Through these programs, the Harvest Commission has been able to empower and equip its members to effectively fulfill the Great Commission, transforming lives and communities around the world. The impact of these training programs is far-reaching, enabling the Harvest Commission to build a strong and vibrant community of believers who are committed to sharing the message of salvation and bringing hope to the world."

7. HARVEST COMMISSION ACCOUNTABILITY: Harvest Commission Accountability is a core principle that guides the ministry's operations, ensuring transparency and accountability in the use of resources donated towards the mission. The Harvest Commission is committed to utilizing its resources effectively and efficiently, and accountability measures such as financial audits, reports, and regular updates to partners and donors are in place to ensure that resources are used for their intended purposes. Through these measures, the Harvest Commission has built trust and confidence with its partners and donors, creating a strong foundation for the continued growth and success of the mission. The Harvest Commission's commitment to accountability is a testament to its unwavering dedication to fulfilling the Great Commission and bringing hope to those who need it most.

8. HARVEST COMMISSION IMPACT ASSESSMENT: Harvest Commission Impact Assessment is a critical component of the ministry's operations, enabling the evaluation of the effectiveness and impact of its evangelistic efforts. Through this assessment process, the Harvest Commission measures key metrics such as the number of individuals reached with the Gospel, the number of converts, and the growth of the church. Additionally, feedback from members, Harvesters, and the community is gathered and analyzed to gain a comprehensive understanding of the impact of the ministry's outreach efforts. By leveraging this feedback, the Harvest Commission is able to make data-driven decisions, fine-tune its approach, and continually improve its effectiveness in fulfilling the Great Commission. The Harvest Commission's commitment to Impact Assessment underscores its dedication to excellence and making a meaningful impact in the lives of individuals and communities around the world.

9. HARVEST COMMISSION PARTNERSHIPS: Harvest Commission Partnerships are vital to the success of the ministry's mission, allowing for collaboration with other churches, organizations, and individuals to more effectively reach individuals and communities with the Gospel message. These partnerships involve joint evangelistic efforts, resource sharing, and collaboration towards achieving the Great Commission. The Harvest Commission values its partnerships and recognizes that working together with like-minded individuals and organizations can have a significant impact on fulfilling the mission to harvest souls for the Kingdom of God. The Harvest Commission actively seeks out and cultivates partnerships that align with its values and goals, enabling it to expand its reach, deepen its impact, and bring hope to those who need it most."

10. HARVEST COMMISSION DISCIPLESHIP PROGRAMS: Harvest Commission Discipleship Programs play a critical role in the growth and development of new converts and members of the church, providing opportunities for Bible study, mentorship, counseling, and training on Christian living. These programs help individuals deepen their understanding of the Gospel message, grow in their faith, and become active participants in the Harvest Commission mission. By nurturing and equipping individuals to become strong and committed followers of Christ, the Harvest Commission is better able to fulfill its mission of harvesting souls for the Kingdom of God. The Harvest Commission is committed to providing quality discipleship programs that meet the needs of individuals at all stages of their faith journey, empowering them to become leaders and agents of change in their communities."

11. HARVEST COMMISSION TECHNOLOGY STRATEGY: This refers to the intentional incorporation of technology to support the evangelistic efforts of the Harvest Commission. It involves leveraging social media, websites, mobile apps, and other digital platforms to expand the reach of the Gospel message and engage with members and partners. The technology strategy may also involve using data analytics to monitor and measure the impact of the ministry's evangelistic efforts and optimize outreach efforts. The goal is to ensure that the ministry stays relevant and effective in reaching out to individuals and communities with the Gospel message.

12. HARVEST COMMISSION MISSION TRIPS: These are purposeful journeys organized by the ministry to visit other communities and countries, with the aim of sharing the Gospel message and providing support. The mission trips may involve various forms of outreach such as evangelism, humanitarian aid, and community development. The trips provide an opportunity for members and harvesters to learn about different cultures, build relationships, and share the love of Christ with others. The Harvest Commission may partner with other organizations or churches in the target communities to facilitate the mission trips, and ensure that they are carried out effectively and efficiently.






Dear members and partners of the Harvest Commission,

As we come to the end of this document, I want to express my gratitude to all those who have supported and contributed to the mission of the Harvest Commission. Your generosity, dedication, and commitment to fulfilling the Great Commission have been a source of inspiration and encouragement to me and the entire ministry.

I want to encourage you to continue to pray and support the Harvest Commission as we strive to spread the Gospel and make a lasting impact in the lives of individuals and communities around the world. Let us continue to work together towards achieving our goal of winning souls for Christ and making a positive impact in the world.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.


Apostle Abeiku Okai


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