

TEXT: Exodus 33:14-16



Moses was one person who practically experienced God's presence with tremendous result and anointing. God was with him in every way (Joshua 1:5) and gave him success. Moses, therefore, knew the full essence and benefits of God's presence and that is why in our opening scripture, we see Moses telling God he and the Israelites will not go unless God went with them. God's presence brings rest to the soul and success to the mission. 


i. God's presence is a reality that is always with us, no matter where we are or what we are doing.

ii. God's presence is not limited to a physical location or a specific time, but is a constant and ever-present reality.

iii. God's presence is not something we can see or touch, but it is something we can experience and sense in our hearts and minds.

iv. God's presence can bring comfort, peace, and strength in times of need, and can provide guidance and direction in our lives.

v. We can experience God's presence through prayer, meditation, and other spiritual practices, as well as through nature, art, and other forms of creativity.

vi. To cultivate a deeper awareness of God's presence, we must make time and space in our lives for silence and reflection, and open our hearts and minds to His presence.

vii. As we seek to experience God's presence, we must also remember that His presence is not just for our benefit, but also for the benefit of others. We can share God's presence with others through our words, actions, and attitudes, and by being a living example of His love and grace in the world.


As we have already discussed, God's presence is not limited in any way to time, space, feeling and even action. However, consciously experiencing God's presence in everything you do can dramatically change your life and give you success you never dreamt of. Here are few things to note:


When entering God's presence, you need to be conscious of the following, without which you being in his presence will be a mere religious action without value. 

i. Be conscious of the supremacy, relevance and power of the Word of God. (Hebrews 6:12)

ii. Be conscious of the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit. (2nd Cor. 13:14; John 14:16,26; Romans 8:26-27) 

iii. Be conscious of God's love. In God's presence, the greatest thing to experience is the love of God. (Ezekiel 16:8; Galatians 2:20; 1st John 3:1)

iv. Be Conscious of the fact that through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, NOT through your own righteousness and good deeds, all your sins are forgiven. (Isaiah 6:1-7; Acts 13:38-39). 

v. Be Conscious of God's Anointing. The anointing is a proof that God is with you and he has empowered you to overcome and perform his assignments. (John 1:12; Acts 1:8; Acts 10:38). 


God's presence is everywhere and at l times, but you can practically involve yourself with God's presence by spending time with the Lord. In doing so, when you enter God's presence, the following are very important:

i. The word of God. 

Read the Word of God. Listen to good sermons while in God's presence. (Joshua 1:6;)

ii. Meditation

Meditate on the Word of God. Think deeply on what you are reading from the Bible. Speak and declare the words that hits your heart or inspires you. Memorise scriptures as you repeat them from your heart. Joshua 1:7; Psalm 1:1-3

iii. Praise and Worship

Make praise and worship your key action when in God's presence, either at church or in your closet/private. (Psalm 100:4-5; 29:2; John 4:24)

iv. Prayer

Prayer is communication with God. Speak from your heart to God. Be honest and factual (Matthew 6:5-7; Philippians 4:6-7). 

In prayer, you don't only talk but also listen. Learn to open not only your mouth, but also your heart and ears when praying (Rev. 2:7). 

v. Speak in Tongues more

Speaking in tongues is a great gift to the Body of Christ. When you speak in tongues:

a. You speak directly to God. 1st. Cor. 14:2

b. You speak mystery 1st Cor. 14:2

c. You edify yourself 1st Cor. 14:4

d. You magnify the Lord. Acts 10:44-46

e. Your spirit prays - 1st Cor. 14:14

vi. Exercise Faith

Anytime you enter the presence of God, you hear God. Anytime you experience the presence of God, the Holy Spirit speaks to your heart. The Bible says faith comes by hearing. However, you can hear and faith will come but you can still reject faith. This means you will let your reasoning, feelings, the past, your circumstances, etc., prevent you from believing what God has said. 

Once you fail to exercise faith in God's presence, you will not boldly take action to achieve what God has placed in your heart. This will make the presence of God of no benefit and tangible result in your life. 

Hebrews 11:6

Mark 11:22-24


You cannot hold grudges and keep offenses in your heart while you are in God's presence. You must make sure you have peace with all men so that you will experience the peace and rest that flows from God's presence.  

Matthew 5:43-48

Hebrews 12:14-15

Colossians 3:12-17


Just as Jesus Christ did on earth, let the presence of God be your greatest priority at all times of the day. Psalm 55:16-18. 

i. Early in the morning - Mark 1:35-37

If you learn to seek God early, instead of seeking men, you draw all men towards you. It is a mystery. 

Psalm 143:8

Psalm 30:5

ii. Afternoon - 

a. In Jesus most difficult moment, on the cross, he called upon God in the afternoon. Matthew 27:46

b. Peter and John went to the temple to pray in the afternoon. Acts 3:1

c. Cornelius saw a vision in the afternoon, while in the presence of God. An angel spoke with him. - Acts 10:1-3;30

iii. Evening - 

a. Evening prayer is like an evening sacrifice of incense before the Lord. - Psalm 141:2

b. Jesus Christ prayed alone in the evening. - Matthew 14:23 

c. Angel Gabriel visited Daniel in the evening, gave him understanding, and told him mysteries. -Daniel 9:20-22

vi. Night/Midnight

Jesus spent all night in prayers - Like 6:12.

Other scriptures for night/midnight. 

Psalm 63:6

Luke 11:5-10

Psalm 119:62

Acts 16:25

God bless you. 


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