Women have largely faced backlash from the society in the area of marriage as though only a very handful of women can be real gem for their husbands. Indeed it is a fact that you cannot marry just any woman. For what is good for somebody might not be right for you. But no woman is worthless. 

We need to understand that WITHIN EVERY WOMAN IS A ROYAL QUEEN which can be brought out by a husband who is not just a married man but is a royal king who knows how to harvest the rich values in his wife. 

Women are not difficult even though we see them complex with regard to their myriads of choices and emotional expectations. But you just have to give a woman sperm and she will give you a baby. Give her children and she will give you heroes. Give her money and she will give you food. Give her a house and she will give you a home. Give her your heart and she will give you her body. Give her love and she will give you submission. Give her pride and she will give you respect. That is women. They are like the earth, how you garden them is how beautiful they will make your life. What you sow in them is what they will multiply for you as your harvest. 

Women don't want much, they want trust. Can they trust you? Women don't want wealth, they want worth. Can you make them worthy? They don't want riches, they want to reach you. Can you be there for them and not be emotionally away while they are in your presence? They don't want worries. They want sweet memories. Can you make them remember fondly their special days and moments with you?

As a husband you must make your wife proud. Develop her. Empower her. Change her social status by bringing out the queen in her and she will make you the happiest man on earth with genuine submission, respect and honour. For just as Jesus gave Himself to His church, you too, give yourself to your wife and discover the reason why behind every successful man is a woman.  

Mr. & Mrs. Abeiku Okai


Anathallo Chapel International.


  1. Please we need that of the men as well for all wives to read

  2. Points well presented... Thanks Rev.

    1. Thanks for reading and leaving a comment. Honoured.

  3. Great piece.
    The message in the write_up says it all.
    Women are more than everything to men.

  4. Rev. , When will u write there is a king in every man.

  5. Well said Rev
    God bless you


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