The Subject and Theme of Sin in the Gospel

Rev. Abeiku Okai

The subject of sin has raised many argument and produced a lot of error also in the body of Christ. While some focuse only on 'sin-sin-sin' others also avoid the word sin at all.

But let's appreciate the fact that sin is a subject and it has its own themes in the Bible. As a subject there is no way anybody should or can avoid it or the teaching of it.

Thus you cannot say you are under grace so you will not preach on the subject of sin. That's why I disagree with those who even loath the mentioning of sin behind the pulpit.

And for those who are obsessed with sin and have filled the pulpit with sin-sin-sin their error is grave because they fail to distinguish between the SUBJECT and its THEMES. As a result they have produced sin infected and sin-conscious Christians who think the way to heaven is "Stop Sinning" and the future ahead of us all is the punishment because of our sins.

Before I proceed let me explain the difference between a subject and its themes.

A subject is the broad concept being treated. For example, marriage.

But a theme is the specific concept being treated under the broad concept.

So in the example above while Marriage is the subject the theme might include:

i. The beauty of Marriage

ii. The divorce rate in marriage

iii. The challenges of marriage,


In the same way SIN is a subject. It is a broad concept with several themes, which include:

The punishment of sin

The forgiveness of sin

The pressures of sin

The ugliness of sin


This means even though we cannot avoid the subject of sin we need to find the theme of sin in THE GOSPEL and to preach exactly that.

Before I proceed let me say that THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN the Gospel and the Bible.

 This is to mean the Gospel is found inside the Bible but the Bible is not the Gospel.

The Bible for example contains the word of God but it is not the final and only word of God. That is why we have logos and rhema. The Bible gives credit to the rhema. They don't contradict and where the rhema contradicts the Bible we are able to detect the defect in the so-called rhema and reject it. So we need to understand the purpose and work of the Bible.

Inside the Bible is the gospel.

This means it is not everything you find in the Bible that is the gospel.  Again, it is not everything you find in the Bible that is the word of God. So if you rip any quotation from the Bible and go and preach it as the gospel you might be making error and preaching from the devil because the devil can also quote scriptures.

Therefore don't just run with a quotation about sin and start preaching it just because it is in the Bible. You need to divide the word of truth as Jesus did in Luke 4.

I hope I have time to show you what Jesus did in Luke 4. The Bible says Jesus went to the temple and began to preach from Isaiah. But when reading the Bible says Jesus stopped and closed the book. So I began to ask WHY JESUS CLOSED THE BOOK? And this is what I found:

Luke 4:19-20

" To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD.”   *Then He closed the book,* and gave  it back to  the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all  who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him."

Note that just when Jesus read, *TO PROCLAIM THE ACCEPTABLE YEAR OF THE LORD* he closed the book.

Let's visit Isaiah to find out the next verse that Jesus didn't read but intentionally closed the book. He should have added that line also but he didn't? And I do ask why?

Isaiah 61:2

"To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD,  *And the day of vengeance of our God;*  To comfort all who mourn." (Isaiah 61:2)

That is it. Jesus didn't read THE DAY OF VENGEANCE but closed the book. The reason He closed the book at that particular point is that HE DIDN'T COME TO PROCLAIM THE DAY OF VENGEANCE ON MEN.

He came to proclaim the day of salvation and forgiveness of sins, not the punishment of sin.

This means even though the punishment of sin is in the Bible it is not the theme of the gospel so Jesus avoided it for that time. He knew His subject and theme so well that He knew what exactly to preach and what not to at that time.


It is the FORGIVENESS OF SIN, not the punishment of sin.

We are to preach the forgiveness of sin towards men and the punishment of sin towards Christ, the cross. And let men know sin has already been punished and forgiveness of sin is what is being preached.

Note that God doesn't condemn sinners. He condemns sin. God doesn't deal with sinners. He deals with sin. And what is sin? Listen to this scripture:

"For He made Him who knew no sin  *to  be sin* for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." (2nd Cor. 5:21).

Jesus Christ was made sin (not a sinner) but sin itself for us. So what God did is that he punished Jesus (SIN) for us. That is the essence of the cross, the fact of the gospel. So in effect sin has already been punished and therefore the GOSPEL IS NOT ABOUT THE PUNISHMENT OF SIN BUT *THE FORGIVENESS OF SIN* because sin is already punished.

Note what the Bible says about the second coming of Christ;

“He will come again, *not to deal with our sins,* but to bring salvation to all who are eagerly waiting for Him.” (Hebrews 9:28 NLT).

Jesus is coming again NOT TO DEAL WITH OUR SINS because sin has already been dealt with. The law was given to deal with sin but the law rather gave power to sin and condemn the sinner. This means THE LAW FAILED. Hence the Bible says,

"For *what the law could not do* in that it was  weak through the flesh, *God did by sending His  own Son* in the likeness of sinful flesh, on  account of sin: He *condemned sin* in the flesh." (Romans 8:3)

*What the law COULD NOT DO.*

The law was limited and those who preach the law must know that they are only preaching limitation.

*The law was WEAK through the flesh.*

It is obvious even the very man Moses who brought the law was the first to get angry and break all TEN.

If the bringer of the law was the first to break it then who are you to say you can obey it?

When the law faces your flesh the law will collapse. It cannot deal with your sin. It is not in its prerogative to deal with it.

That is why God put the law aside when he wanted to condemn sin and sent HIS OWN SON.

You cannot save people from sin by sending the law to them because not even God could do that. The law will give them license to sin more (Romans 6:14) and condemn them the more instead of condemning sin. That is why when you are using the law all you can preach is THE PUNISHMENT OF SIN.

But when you are aligned to grace you can only preach the victory over sin through the forgiveness of sin that comes from the finished works of Christ.

*The New Covenant theme on sin*

Now, let's get practical and see what Jesus said concerning the new covenant when he introduced it with regard to his blood at the last supper. And discover the theme of sin there:

"For this is My blood of the new c covenant,  which is shed for many *for the remission of sins."* (Matt. 26:28)

So here we see Jesus saying the new covenant is about the REMISSION OF SIN, not the punishment of sin.

If you are preaching about the blood, which is the new covenant, you cannot preach the punishment of sin upon man but the forgiveness of sin upon man and the punishment upon Christ.

Let's see Peter's first hint on sin. He said,

"Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let  every one of you be baptized in the name of  Jesus Christ *for the remission of sins;* and you  shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." (Acts 2:38).

Here too we see Peter's call is towards the forgiveness of sin. In another sermon also it is forgiveness of sin, not punishment of sin, because sin has already been punished in Christ.

"Him God has exalted to His right hand to be  Prince and Savior, to give repentance to Israel  *and forgiveness of sins."* (Acts 5:31)

Paul also said it more straight. ..👇

"Therefore let it be known to you, brethren, that  *through this Man is preached to you the  forgiveness of sins;* and by Him everyone who  believes is justified from all things from which  you could not be justified by the law of Moses." (Acts 13:38-39).

Through Christ is preached THE FORGIVENESS OF SIN, not the punishment of sin. So let me ask you, what do you preach through Christ?

In declaring his calling and assignment Paul said,

"to open  their eyes, in order to turn  them from darkness  to light, and from the power of Satan to God,  *that they may receive forgiveness of sins* and an  inheritance among those who are sanctified by  faith in Me.’" (Acts 26:18).

Here again we see the forgiveness of sin being reiterated. I can go one and on.

Well, am I saying there is no punishment of sin for the wicked? Absolutely no. There is punishment of sin but for only those who reject Christ. Therefore, the sin that send people to hell is the sin of UNBELIEF IN CHRIST. Jesus Himself said;

"He who believes in the  Son has everlasting life; and *he who does not  believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of  God abides on him.”* (John 3:36)

So then heaven or hell is determined on earth not by being morally upright or holier than anybody but by either being in Christ by faith or being out of Christ by unbelief or religion. For religion is another form of unbelief and rejection of Christ. Anytime you act like you are doing good by your own effort to be saved you have fallen from grace.

"You have become estranged from Christ,  you who attempt to be justified by law; you have  fallen from grace." (Galatians 5:4).

"I do not set aside the grace of God; for *if  righteousness comes through the law, then  Christ died in vain.”* (Galatians 2:21)

Thank you

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