Your Husband Wants Sex, not Rape.

Mr & Mrs Abeiku Okai Inspirations
WhatsApp: +233 0249287855

Many men are dying softly. Others are also messing up their lives in adultery simply because their wives are not giving them what is due the body. A gentleman wrote to me a year ago and said,
"My wife doesn't allow me to have affair with her, unless I force her. And the new tactics she has adopted is not bathing so that I will be unable to go near her at night."
Unfortunately, many women don't know the counter-productive effect of refusing their husbands sex. They don't also know why God gave them the "powerhouse". Some even charge their husbands for sex. They are running a cash-and-carry business. But those who know the miracle working power of giving their husbands sex and the evil result of denying sex have taken advantage of sex to make their marriage a heaven on earth.
I want to speak to a particular married woman who is denying her husband sex. Yes, Madam, this message is for you. I understand your worry. I agree that your husband may not be living up to expectations. But God didn't give you your 'powerhouse' to be used as a rod for the child. You need to use the right tool for the right job and so using sex to get even is causing demons enter your marriage to aggravate the existing problem in it.
The hard truth is that when a man is denied sex his everything goes bad.  It even affects his relationship with God and his sense of reasoning. A good sex makes a man overcome stress and absorb every amount of pressure in his job place. If you deny him sex he will always pour his pressures, stress, anger and worry on you. And you will also never be happy. It can also affect your children psychologically even as the man will lose his stability in caring for them.
Many married women are raped by their husbands and in the end they have both vagina and emotional bruises. One of the reasons for this is that when a man is denied sex for a period of time he turns into a beast because the smooth flow of the sex hormones is what makes him a gentleman.
This must by no means justify any married man to be be a rapist. Mr, husband, you too check your life. WOMEN WANT AFFECTION, NOT EJACULATION. They want love, not sex. They want care not 'manhood'. If you play your cards well she will be more than happy to make you happy in bed. She is not a robot for you to just jump on her when and how you want. You guys should respect and love each other and bless your marriage with beautiful sexual life. You should also understand her when she is tired, knowing that too much of everything is boring.
Anathallo Chapel International


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