Be honest
An honest wife is the Lord of her husband’s harvest.
Abeiku Okai

Honesty is a powerful sword and a woman who wields it will ruthlessly slay every enemy trying to evade the heart of her marriage. Several men have fallen victims to dishonest women because scares are the maidens who are true in the inside. All men, therefore, are on the outlook for women who will not outwit them. If you can let your man see clearly through your heart, you will become the mirror he will always stand before.
Be honest in finances, business, speech and actions and importantly your relationship with the opposite sex. Don’t ask him to trust you, let your honesty be your linguist. Don’t force him to open his secret, let your honesty do it for you. Don’t think he will believe you through your words, he will do that through the clean hands you show him.

Lying has been an inseparable shadow of many women. But no truth can forever be hidden. Never lie to your man; no matter how long it takes, the truth will one day roll before him and you will lose your dignity even if he forgives you. Keep silent if you have to because there is nothing like half-truth to ever tell him. Just as a half full glass is still half empty; every half-truth is still a lie. You either speak the truth to maintain your dignity or speak a lie to jeopardise the foundation of his love for. Petty lies taken for granted are plants that would grow against you one day. So be extra careful and don’t offer him any lizard faeces. The lizard feces are black in colour but it adds a little white at the end. If your husband cannot accept the truth, don’t compromise with a lie. Leave it there; the truth will work for itself.

The paradox of honesty is that it doesn’t require words to announce its presence in you. And it cannot be hidden, though its abode is in the cavity of the heart. I tell you, a man will die for you if you prove beyond doubt that you are the only reliable entity in his life.  Don’t buy your husband a pillow; you are the best pillow he needs. Put his head to rest in the bosom of your pure heart and clean hands.

Those who say a man is not a pillow to be trusted may be right. But is will be wrong for your man to say you are not a pillow to lay his head on. Even if he is not a pillow, you being one will make him one.




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